Slash is one of the Dinobots that doesn’t appear in the movie and hasn’t had a redeco since his first appearance in “Transformers: Age of Extinction“. He transforms into a robotic Velociraptor that’s coloured in the same style as how the other Dinobots appear in the movie. Finally! Poor Slash hasn’t been in any other box set too, and every other Dinobot has appeared at least once in either G1 colours or Movie colours.

Slash is a Deluxe Class figure from the Premier Edition range, which means he retails for SGD$34.90 at all good department stores and Toys R Us. Thank you, Hasbro, for sending him over!

This time round, Deluxes are packed in boxes rather than on bubble plastic packaging on a card. This means that their packaging is more easily stored, since you just have to cut open their boxes and there won’t be much damage to the artwork, as opposed to the card packaging where you usually have to tear the plastic packaging off the the card at some point. So if you keep the boxes, the Transformers: The Last Knight Premier Edition toys are designed for you to do just that.

Since the Deluxe toys are still mean to be hung on pegs, they come with a small, clear plastic piece that allows them to be hung on shelf pegs too. The window packaging allows you to see what’s inside, although part of the front also has the Transformers logo too. No more Transformers logo stickers stuck on the plastic packaging (which is what they did for the “Transformers: Age of Extinction” line). I personally feel that this is an easier and cleaner way of packing the Deluxes since it preserves the box, and it doesn’t take up significantly more space.

Alternate Mode
In velociraptor mode, Slash looks much better than in his previous green and teal colours. He hasn’t appeared in the movies so far, but this colouration fits better with his movie accurate buddies from the Dinobots Unleashed box set. And ultimately, isn’t that what you’ve gotten the Dinobots for? To recreate their scenes of destruction and terror in the movie.

As you can see, he’s rather spiky in alternate mode. I’ve opted not to give him the extra “wings” that his weapons would give him since I’m not a fan of my dinosaurs looking like birds. You can replace it, though, and he looks a little bit more spiky if you do. It’s just that I prefer him to retain his robotic look more.

Robot Mode
In robot mode, Slash is broader and stockier than other Deluxes. He looks like the type of Autobot who would transform into a tank, thanks to his shoulder components and his top heavy design. He comes with two scythes, which fit the velociraptor style of being smaller, but faster and deadlier.

His head sculpt really makes him look more like a knight than most of the other Dinobots, and it also has the added benefit of making him look less alien than the other Transformers. Weapons-wise, those scythes look like the type of weapon that’s meant to inflict a ragged wound that’ll bleed for a long time, and follow the same aesthetic as the spines on his body.

With a movie themed Slash, all we need is a good silver/gunmetal redeco of Slug to have a full set of movie themed Dinobots. Slash deserves a lot more attention than he’s gotten (come on, he’s a velociraptor!), and this one finally gives him a look that’s in line with the other movie toys.
Transformers: The Last Knight
Premier Edition
Legion Class
Turbo Changers
Grimlock (Knight Armor, 3-Step Turbo Changer)
Berserker (1-Step Turbo Changer)
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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