Who hasn’t pretended to be Soundwave by speaking into a fan at maximum speed? There’s that combination of his emotionless voice, Decepticon symbol head, and nifty alternate mode that has always made him one of the most intriguing Decepticons. He’s been in almost every major series, and he’s actually a barometer of how a person’s age. If you know that Soundwave transforms into a cassette player (and hence, you know what a cassette tape is), then you’re definitely grew up on G1. Soundwave gets new deco in the Transformers: Legacy line, which uses the Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege mould but redecos him without the battle damage paint applications.

Thanks Hasbro for sending him over!
Size: Voyager Class
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian spacecraft/Patrol Hovercraft
Function: Communications
Allegiance: Decepticons
Accessories: Concussion Blaster, Sonic Cannon, Blitz Charge Blaster (all combine to form the Sonic Compression Mega-Blaster)

Soundwave comes in the new windowless packaging of the Transformers” Legacy line. His Cybertronian spacecraft mode is depicted in its fully armed glory.

Soundwave’s two modes are shown on the back (and you can even see the details of his empty chest).

His figure actually has his left hand’s forefinger pointing out, although not as much as the box art depicts it.

But this Soundwavev comes under the Transformers: Legacy line.

Remember to recycle!


Since he’s originally from the Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege line, he doesn’t come with the Energon weapons that are a hallmark of the other Transformers: Legacy figures.

You just need to flip his shoulders back and he’s ready to go!

His weapons don’t come with any small, fiddly parts – nothing that’ll easily go missing here!

Alternate Mode

Soundwave’s alternate mode gives him the ability to fly (although he can actually fly in robot mode in G1 too).

The flat surface of his alternate mode gives his cassettes (mentioned later) a place to “land on”.

His undercarriage looks pretty okay as well.

It feels like you press the yellow buttons on the side.

And missile turrets are moulded into his front.

Ready to jet off into space!

Robot Mode

Soundwave is pretty poseable.

Although if you want him to be better armed, you can combine his weapons into the Sonic Compression Mega Blaster.

He has yellow light piping for his eyes, just like his G1 figure.

And pegholes for his feet.

His backpack looks quite sleek here.

And design-wise, it fits in quite well.

I prefer not to have his “shoulder” guns out.

If you’re a Transformers: War for Cybertron collector, then you can pose Soundwave with his fellow Mini-Cassettes (or Micromasters, as they were categorised in Transformers: War for Cybertron).

Fan Mode

There’s also a fan mode where he becomes a cassette tape player. Granted, his Transformers War for Cybertron Trilogy figure literally transforms onto a tape deck – but hey, don’t you want to give additional modes to your existing Soundwave?

He’s best viewed from the front.

There’s another fan “boombox” mode, but it doesn’t make use of his pelvis rewind/play/fast forward buttons, so I opted for this one.

Does this mean Soundwave qualifies as a Triple Changer?

His fan mode is also fairly stable.

But really, all I want to do is play with his chest compartment and put the Mini Cassettes in.


Soundwave looks better without his battle damage – but you can always pretend that the Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege version is him after a pitched battle with Blaster. He’s also a slightly different shade of blue.

He stands taller than the Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy figure.
I prefer the clean deco of him over the battle damaged one – I’m not a great customiser, so I definitely wouldn’t be able to remove the battle damage myself if I had to. So the Transformers: Legacy version is the superior one, for me.

But yes I have to flex that I have all three Soundwaves, heh.
Thanks Hasbro, for sending him over!
Soundwave is available at departmental stores and Toys “R” Us, as well as specialised hobby shops like Robo Robo and Hobby Ark Toy Store. He is also available on Hasbro’s official Shopee and Lazada e-commerce stalls.
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This is an original article on marcusgohmarcusgoh.com.
Follow Marcus Goh (yes, referring to myself in third person) on Facebook and Instagram for more (presumably) good updates!
I’m an independent scriptwriter who’s written for popular shows like Lion Mums, Crimewatch, Police & Thief, and Incredible Tales. I’m also a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find me on social media as Optimarcus and on my site.
Send me an email if you want to get in touch!
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