Berserker is one of the new Decepticons in “Transformers: The Last Knight”, and is part of Megatron’s crew. He transforms into a Chevrolet Suburban and bears a distinct resemblance to Crankcase from “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”, since his design is a homage to Crankcase after all. He’s characterised as a maniacal, well, berserker in the film.

Berserker is Deluxe Class figure from the Premier Edition range of the new Transformers: The Last Knight toyline, which means he retails for SGD$34.90 at all good department stores and Toys R Us.

Packaging-wise, Berserker sports two different pieces of art for the front and side of the box. He’s designated as a “Raging Destroyer”, which is basically what a berserker is, isn’t it? No callbacks to Crankcase’s form as a Dread, though if we do get a Deluxe or Voyager Dreadbot, the Commander Class Hatchet would fit in nicely to finally form a trio of Dreads to fight the Wreckers!

I’m not sure what the red marks are either.

Alternate Mode
Berserker is a bit of a shellformer, so putting him together requires quite a bit of effort. You have to ensure that all his plates fit exactly at the right position so that his car mode is one seamless piece. Putting too much pressure in one area will cause his plates to pop at another area, so be patient with him. I believe using the instructions would help very much too, if you’re not too gung-ho about it. As a hatchback, I think he looks suitably menacing, like a vehicle the mafia would use.

Yes, I was terrible at transforming him. I had to rejig him several times to get him to look acceptable, and I’m not too sure how long more it would have taken to get him to look perfect. Then again, I’m not the most dextrous of fans.

Robot Mode
Berserker has this slightly bird-like, dinosaur-way of standing up, so remember not to put his legs straight. Face-wise, I like his sculpt and the dreadlocks. They’re sculpted in a way to look like they’re dynamic and posable, even though it’s one piece actually. The insectoid eyes are freaky, although they’re much bigger for his 1-Step Changer iteration.

His clubs are actually pretty soft, and since they’re short and stout, it means that you don’t really have to worry too much about warping them. They have some sort of handle, but I haven’t been able to determine their use yet. Anyway, you’d probably want Berserker to be biting off his foes’ heads, rather than clubbing them to death.

So how does Berserker stack up? I’d say that alongside Barricade and Megatron, he’s a fine choice for the first wave of Decepticons. He’s famous (sort of, he looks like Crankcase), and he plays a fairly prominent role as one of the Decepticons (though not as much as Barricade, of course). If they’re going to be making Dreadbot, then it means that we’ll finally get 3 Dreads! 3 different Dreads! Not officially, but sort of!
Transformers: The Last Knight
Premier Edition
Legion Class
Turbo Changers
Grimlock (Knight Armor, 3-Step Turbo Changer)
Berserker (1-Step Turbo Changer)
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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