One of the most anticipated figures for “Transformers: The Last Knight” has been Megatron, in both his Leader and Voyager forms. He transforms into a Cybertronian jet (well, he always takes on Cybertronian modes anyway). He’s the leader of the Decepticons, and usually serves as a secondary antagonist in the Transformers movies. And to answer the question that everyone’s been asking – nope, he doesn’t have a battle mask as a Voyager figure. But he does have a battle mask in his Leader class iteration!
Since I have an Optimus Prime, of course, I must have a Megatron to battle him. Thank goodness they both come in the same size now!

Megatron is a Voyager Class figure from the Premier Edition range of the new Transformers: The Last Knight toyline, which means he retails for SGD$59.90 at all good department stores and Toys R Us.

Because we all love Megatron, he gets two different pieces of artwork on his box! No sign of his battle mask on the artwork though. As a callback to his motto, “Peace through tyranny”, he’s designated as a Merciless Tyrant on the artwork. I don’t actually see him performing many acts of tyranny in the movie itself, except maybe on poor Barricade, but I’m sure that he’ll be back to tyrannise many others in the next Transformers film. Seeing him go up against Bumblebee will be cute.

Alternate Mode
Megatron is predominantly black with gold highlights. There’s none of that silver that’s usually associated with him, but the black and gold serve to give him a sort of regality that a silver paintjob wouldn’t be able to. Even if you didn’t know he was Megatron, you’d know from his plane mode that he’s somebody important and royal. Megatron is, in a way, royalty right?

His plane mode holds together pretty well, and it’s quite intuitive to transform him into plane mode. You can see where all his parts are supposed to go, and the pegs fit together easily without much manhandling. He doesn’t come with a pilot though, but then Megatron’s not the type to have a pilot, is he?
He’s also sculpted in such a way that the actual breaks and separated areas in the toy merge into the lined patterns on the plane. It’s a good attempt to disguise the parts of the toy which might not be as tightly placed together as other parts might be.

Robot Mode
He’s broad and, dare I say it, pretty muscular in robot mode. He’s a little taller and broader than Optimus Prime, and looks like he would definitely give Prime a hard time if they were to engage in battle. His armour plating makes him look like an evil knight, and the contours from the plane fit well into the armoured sections on his body. Overall, he’s a pretty imposing looking figure.

He comes with a sword-axe, although really, doesn’t that just mean it’s an axe? I feel it’s an odd choice of weapon since Optimus is the one who usually wields an axe, but since he’s already got a sword, I guess Megatron getting the axe makes him seem like a… twisted version of Optimus Prime.
That’s it. Megatron has many knightly qualities, just like Optimus Prime, but they’ve all been perverted in some way.

If you have Optimus, you should definitely get Megatron. He’s like the yin to Optimus Prime’s yang, and even though I am Chinese I am not entirely sure if I have gotten that analogy right. I would call him a Dark Knight but that has too many Batman connotations, but calling him a Black Knight sounds so politically incorrect in this day and age. So let’s just call him the Unholy Knight, which hey sounds pretty good.

I’m really looking forward to his Leader Class figure.
Transformers: The Last Knight
Premier Edition
Legion Class
Turbo Changers
Grimlock (Knight Armor, 3-Step Turbo Changer)
Berserker (1-Step Turbo Changer)
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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