Optimus Prime is – really, I have to explain who Optimus Prime is? He’s the leader of the Autobots, who are the protagonists (generally speaking) of the “Transformers” series of films (and the animated series of course). He transforms into a Western Star “5700 OP” concept truck vehicle mode, so he’s one of the Western Star 5700 models (which is a real model of truck, look it up!).

Optimus Prime is a Voyager Class figure from the Premier Edition range of the new Transformers: The Last Knight toyline, which means he retails for SGD$59.90 at all good department stores and Toys R Us.

Optimus Prime’s designation is “Earth’s Greatest Protector” which I feel might be an ironic nod to the rumours that Optimus Prime might work against the Autobots (remember those purple eyes?) in “Transformers: The Last Knight”. He also has different artwork for the front and the side of this box, which befits the Autobot leader. I think I’ve said that I like that the boxes are regular cuboids, instead of irregular shapes like in previous movie lines, because I can stack them up more easily. No joke here.

If he looks pretty impressive just from the box – he is! The range of poses, his weapons, and the overall presentation of Optimus Prime already fires up your imagination. Before you take him out, you’re already thinking of how he can fight and who he can defeat.

Alternate Mode
Optimus Prime’s transformation isn’t tricky, but it does require some time and effort to get all the right pieces into all the right places. While he does have many moving parts, they all fit together well without much effort. His vehicle mode is easy to transform into, and it’s unlikely that you’ll have problems if you are methodical in your transformation.

I like how there’s a peg in his alternate mode for his trailer because it hints at the fact that he might get a dedicated trailer, and you never know – he might be able to combine with his trailer, just like Super Ginrai! This is all speculation by the way.

Robot Mode
Optimus Prime truly shines in robot mode. He’s uber poseable, his kibble is neatly stored on his back, and he has a streamlined look to him. He also comes with a sword and shield, which are pretty fun accessories for any figure. I mean, there’s only so much you can do with gun fights, but melee battles afford a lot more screaming and far more bashing of toys together. However, there is a fair amount of paintwork on his sword and shield, so be careful there.
Plus he can sheathe his sword on his back like He-Man I mean how cool is that right?

I am incredibly pleased with this version of Optimus Prime because he’s a movie accurate toy (as opposed to Evasion Mode Optimus Prime), and he poses pretty well alongside food and other objects. I took him to Tokyo when I went on a trip and it was so easy to have him pose next to landmarks and at Disneyland.

Although they’re not explicitly name as such, you can safely assume that this is the Sword of Judgment and the Vector Shield that we’re looking at. I’d have liked the sword to be called the Star Saber, but then we wouldn’t get a character called Star Saber, right?

OF COURSE you should get Optimus Prime. He’s one of the must-buys of the Transformers: The Last Knight toyline. He’s incredibly playable, looks good, and he’s pretty easy to find (right now). If there’s one figure you should get from the new movie, it’s Voyager Class Optimus Prime. And since I bought him (with my own money guys), I can safely tell you that he’s totally worth it.
I’m damn excited for “Transformers: The Last Knight”!
Transformers: The Last Knight
Premier Edition
Legion Class
Turbo Changers
Grimlock (Knight Armor, 3-Step Turbo Changer)
Berserker (1-Step Turbo Changer)
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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