Do I need to explain who Optimus Prime is? Well, he’s the leader of the Autobots, and the most powerful Autobot as of the end of “Transformers: Age of Extinction“. This is his Legion Class figure, and it marks a return of the Legion Class figures range! Previously, they were sold along with a fellow Dinobot to simulate how the Autobots rode the Dinobots at the climax of “Transformers: Age of Extinction“, but there was no Legion Class line (well, there was, but it wasn’t available in many places). He transforms into a simplified version of the Peterbilt 379.
He’s a retool of the “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” Legion Class figure, with the same alternate mode, but retooled arms, legs, and wheels.

Optimus Prime is a Legion Class figure from the Premier Edition range, which means he retails for SGD$11.90 at all good department stores and Toys R Us. Thank you, Hasbro, for sending him over!

Packaging-wise, he’s pretty similar to previous Legion Class figures. He’s got multiple languages on the packaging and includes a picture of his alternate mode (he comes in robot mode).

Alternate Mode
He’s really, really blue in alternate mode, with the red being used mostly for his flame deco. It’s a stark difference from previous uses of the mould, which had a lot more red on it. He still retains his silver girlls and windows, although his smokestacks are blue. He has black wheels with blue hubcaps.

He moves pretty well in robot mode, since his wheels are a new mould.

Robot Mode
In robot mode, he’s just as blue. Rather than the usual silver limbs, they’re all black now, presumably to match the black used for his wheels. His Autobot symbol is on his left knee, just as it was for his first release. His arms have the moulded on hands, although he can’t wield weapons as he doesn’t have a 5mm port.

His face is also mostly silver.

So the whole idea of Legion Class Optimus Prime is so that he can ride Grimlock! He’s a good match and you can peg/hook Grimlock’s weapon on to Optimus Prime’s arm, although it’s rather heavy for him. If you want to emulate the riding sequence (Optimus Prime on Grimlock), then Legion Class Optimus Prime is a good figure for that. A Deluxe doesn’t seem to look as proportionate on Grimlock.
Transformers: The Last Knight
Premier Edition
Legion Class
Turbo Changers
Grimlock (Knight Armor, 3-Step Turbo Changer)
Berserker (1-Step Turbo Changer)
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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