Grimolock is the most well known of the Dinobots and made his first movie appearance in “Transformers: Age of Extinction“. He returns in “Transformers: The Last Knight”, and transforms into a robotic Tyrannosaurus with horns.This Voyager figure is a redeco of his Voyager figure from “Transformers: Age of Extinction“. He’s nominally the leader of the Dinobots in the films, although I don’t recall official fiction stating this offhand.

Grimlock is a Voyager Class figure from the Premier Edition range, which means he retails for SGD$59.90 at all good department stores and Toys R Us. Thank you, Hasbro, for sending him over!

The packaging for Grimlock is quite similar to previous Voyager Class toys, so no odd-shaped boxes here! However, his window packaging doesn’t cover the entire box – it’s a partial window, and the Transformers logo is placed over his weapon. Which makes sense, it’s not that his spiked maul is particularly recognisable, as opposed to his robot mode. Speaking of which, he comes packaged in robot mode too, presumably to conform to the box size.

The plastic window wraps around the other side of the box too, which affords you a look at Grimlock from other angles. It also allows you to peek at his weapon if you angle it properly, but most importantly, it allows you to examine his head from different perspectives.

Alternate Mode
In Tyrannosaurus mode, Grimlock’s redeco is more movie accurate than previous toys, even more so than the Platinum Edition box set release of him. If you’re looking for a movie accurate Grimlock (at last!), then this figure is a good addition. Even though he’s mostly silver, it’s not chrome and the plastic appears to be moulded in that colour, rather than being painted over. So there’s less stress when it comes to transforming him and accidentally scraping his paint job.

His chomping mechanism still works well (if you remember, it’s the black tab by the side), although I have some trouble keeping his arms in place when I let other people hold him. Nevertheless, he’s balanced quite well so you can pose him in different positions, and the mould still holds up in alternate mode.

Robot Mode
So, how does Grimlock fare in robot mode? Again, without the worry of scratching off the chrome, you can pose him more confidently than you would with those that have a more complicated deco. He might not be as bright or have colours that are as contrasting as with previous releases, but he looks more serious and more like his movie form here. There are actually multiple shades of grey and silver here that work together quite well to make him look awesome and more adult-oriented.

So the question is – should you get this Grimlock? If you’re looking for a movie accurate deco, then yes. Even if you’ve got the Dinobots Unleashed one (the one with the translucent parts), this Grimlock is more faithful (and durable, thanks to how his colours are executed). Besides, since Legion Class figures have made a return, it means that Legion Class Optimus Prime is all ready to ride Grimlock into battle!
Transformers: The Last Knight
Premier Edition
Legion Class
Turbo Changers
Grimlock (Knight Armor, 3-Step Turbo Changer)
Berserker (1-Step Turbo Changer)
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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