And today we have the leader of the Constructicons, Scrapper! Combiner Wars Devastator comes out 1 August, and retails for $299.90. Thanks for sending over Devastator, Hasbro!

Much has been said about how odd it is that Scrapper is the leader of the Constructicons.

For one thing, he forms the leg, rather than part of the torso.

He also isn’t the largest Constructicon (that honour goes to Long Haul).

But then his name does connote some level of fighting or “scrappiness.”

His alternate mode also isn’t all that interesting or useful, comparatively speaking, to make him leader.

But then, such is life!

He looks like a better opponent for Scoop than Bonecrusher would, come to think of it.

He’s also got a lot of detailing on him.

And yes, I find those little ladders on him quite adorable.

How much can that scoop lift?

So check in again when I look at Devastator later in the week!

Combiner Wars Devastator review
Combiner Wars Scavenger review
Combiner Wars Mixmaster review
Combiner Wars Bonecrusher review
Combiner Wars Long haul review
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