And today we have Mixmaster from the Constructicons! Combiner Wars Devastator is out in stores starting 1 August, retailing for $299.90! Our good friends at Hasbro sent over a devastating Devastator for us to take a look at.

So Mixmaster is one of the Animated Decepticons that I remember most fondly.

I remember Animated Mixmaster more so than G1 Mixmaster. Perhaps it was his Brooklyn accent.

There’s just something about cement mixers that make them so memorable too.

I think it’s the possibility of toxic chemicals stored within, that the bad guys can spew out at any time!

Or that a mixing barrel is large, imposing, and powerful.

I also don’t recall seeing many cement mixers around these days.

But Mixmaster really looks like he’d hurt if he ran into you.
But he’d probably be the one who’d pour molten metal to build Megatron (if you follow that continuity) among the Constructicons.

And there you have it! Mixmaster.

I’ll be taking a look at the remaining two Constructicons and Devastator throughout the week, so stay tuned tomorrow for another review!

Combiner Wars Devastator review
Combiner Wars Scavenger review
Combiner Wars Mixmaster review
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