What do Transformers twins look like? Skyburst and Stormclash. They both transform into Aerospatiale Dauphin helicopters, and are part of the Torchbearers, the Autobot subgroup that forms Victorion. She’s usually designated as Victorion’s leg. Skyburst is a retool of Alpha Bravo (as is her sister), and the only mould difference between them is the sword each wields – one wields a sword that makes up the right side of Victorion’s gigantic broadsword, and the other wields a sword that makes up the left side. Thanks Hasbro for the Victorion giftset!

She’s available as part of the Victorion box set that retails for SGD$219.90, and she was launched on 15 May. Victorion was the result of the Fan Built Combiner Polls in 2015, and she’s female!

Alternate Mode
I like helicopters because, well, there was this old game called Desert Strike where you pilot a helicopter in the Gulf War to defeat the enemy. It showed me how versatile helicopters can be, as opposed to planes, which are awesome but are unable to hover in place (and thus will crash). I think Transformers planes can actually stay airborne in one position though I can’t remember where I saw this.
So Skyburst has an almost identical colour scheme with Stormclash, except she has a red stripe on her left, while Stormclash has a red stripe on her right. The rotors work well (it’s quite hypnotising to watch them spin, and you’ll have a lot of fun making those helicopter whirring sounds as Skyburst streaks through the air. Plus, you have two helicopters to play with!

I’ll talk more about the Aerospatiale Dauphin helicopter in Stormclash’s review, in case you’re wondering why I assume everyone knows what a Aerospatiale Dauphin helicopter is. I don’t. I had to Wiki it, and I’ll tell you what it is so you don’t have to Wiki it too. It’s dry and technical anyway.

Robot Mode
I love the oversized weapons that the Torchbearers wield. In fact, alongside the Combiner Hunters Arcee, Chromia, and Windblade, it seems that all the Combiner Wars female Transformers wield giant oversized weapons, as if to make a point that they’re more powerful than male Transformers.
So to further differentiate Skyburst and Stormclash, I’ve had Skyburst tilt her tail to the right, and given her the sword that has the combining peg on the right. It’s your call how you want to differentiate them, the instructions has Skyburst tilting her tail to the left but I like to be different. They do have different faces, so if you really want them to look as alike as possible, you can go with that too.

Just so you remember – Skyburst has no visor but Stormclash does. Because the robot body is much slimmer and sleeker than the usual car robots, it fits the feminine vibe of Skyburst more. Her face looks like a pretty boy from far, but a pretty lady up close. Almost as if she’s puckering up to kiss you.

So there you have it! The first twin of the Torchbearers. She’s poseable and as mentioned, helicopters are always fun to play with. As a leg she’s also pretty stable, so she fulfills all her duties as a combiner limb/team member!
Check out my other reviews on the bots in the Victorion giftset!
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