Dustup is the ninja of the Torchbearers, the Autobot subgroup that forms Victorion. She transforms into a Ferrari 458 Italia, and is a retool of Dead End (from the Stunticons). She usually forms Victorion’s left arm. Her name is pretty apt, since if she’s in a dusty place (like the desert) she’d want to cover her mouth to prevent her from inhaling dust… except that she’s a Transformer that has no respiratory system so what gives? In other news, a “dust up” is to have a scuffle of some sort, which sort of suits her since she always takes her actions to the extreme. Well, Dustup would be a more suitable name for Stormclash actually… Thanks Hasbro for the Victorion giftset!

She’s available as part of the Victorion box set that retails for SGD$219.90, and she was launched on 15 May. Victorion was the result of the Fan Built Combiner Polls in 2015, and she’s female!

Alternate Mode
I like the above glamour shot of her because she’s going to leave you in the dust with the way she speeds off. Bad jokes aside, the curvy proportions of the Lamborghini are a good fit for the alternate mode of a female Autobot. Not to say that a Lamborghini isn’t a masculine car, but it looks like a softer, gentler sort of vehicle. If you have Arcee and put them side by side (or even Chromia) in alternate mode, Dustup would fit right in. Go try it out!

The Ferrari is always a favourite so what’s there not to love about this alternate mode, right? I think the bonnet is done pretty nicely with the green and red colour scheme and the boot does the red swath pretty well too. It’s a fun alternate mode!

Robot Mode
But the awesome part about Dustup is her ninja robot mode! She’s not really a ninja but her face is really similar to Nightbird’s face, and she just oozes a ninja vibe. Plus her weapon isn’t the conventional gun or sword, but sort of a hooked sword/knife that has oriental influences. Or it’s a crossbow, depends on your imagination. Or both! So Dustup has a weapon that can be used in melee or at range. The most versatile bot of the Torchbearers!

She might be a bit broad in robot mode but you can sort of handwave this away by saying she’s a highly trained ninja, so it’s expected that she’ll be more muscular than the average woman. Then again, robots don’t really have muscles so we fall into the respiratory problem at the start again. I should stop trying to explain things away like this.

Dustup has the most character of all the Torchbearers, and if you had to keep one of Victorion’s components, it’d be Dustup. Maybe you can take the sai from Nightbird and give one to Dustup. It’d look amazing!
Check out my other reviews on the bots in the Victorion giftset!
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