There really should be more twins in the Transformers universe – it’s a great in-story reason for recolours and it makes for some interesting tales. Imagine if all the Seekers were brothers and they went on a quest to find the Mama Seeker? For now though, we have Stormclash, who transforms into Aerospatiale Dauphin helicopters, and is a member of the Autobot subgroup the Torchbearers, who form Victorion. She usually forms one of Victorion’s two legs (just to let you know that she doesn’t have three legs). Stormclash is a retool of Alpha Bravo. Thanks Hasbro for the Victorion giftset!

She’s available as part of the Victorion box set that retails for SGD$219.90, and she was launched on 15 May. Victorion was the result of the Fan Built Combiner Polls in 2015, and she’s female!

Alternate Mode
Stormclash transformers into an Aerospatiale Dauphin helicopter, which is a French brand of utility helicopters. Yes, the French make helicopters. It is amazing. They are usually used as rescue vehicles or in law enforcement agencies. However, there is a more powerful version of the helicopter that’s for military use. I imagine Stormclash is that one, although I am no helicopter expert.

The joints are really tight on her, and that’s a good thing since you don’t get any wobbly bits. Her cockpit is coloured in a way that makes it look like she’s winking at you. I think that’s pretty cute. Somehow Skyburst doesn’t have that look. As helicopters go, she’s one of the small handy ones (since most helicopter Transformers are Voyagers).

Robot Mode
I like her visored look better than Rust Dust’s. Perhaps because it’s moulded to have a more feminine look, and hence fits in with her overall aesthetic better. It also fits her personality better since she’s the more aggressive twin, and is more inclined to violence. Well, she certainly looks the part, don’t you think?

The visored look also makes her arms look like she’s wearing gloves, and gives her the police officer vibe along with her uniform-looking torso. Of course, this makes her a rather violent officer but then in times of war, and their opponents being Decepticons, this might actually be a good trait for her to have. Probably doesn’t seep into the combined consciousness of Victorion though.

Stormclash is the better looking sister of the two, and my favourite one. It’s more about the face sculpt than anything else, and clearly a matter of preference. Stormclash’s theme really fits with the whole backstory and fiction designed for her. And then she’s a helicopter too, which is always a fun alternate mode to have.
Check out my other reviews on the bots in the Victorion giftset!
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