Rust Dust is the tiniest member of the Torchbearers, the Autobot subgroup that forms Victorion. She’s a recolour of Legends Groove, and transforms into a motorcycle (which does make her pretty much in scale with the rest of her teammates). Just as with Legends Groove and Defensor, she forms the chest armour for Victorion, which is rather apt. Thanks Hasbro for the Victorion giftset!
She’s available as part of the Victorion box set that retails for SGD$219.90, and she was launched on 15 May. Victorion was the result of the Fan Built Combiner Polls in 2015, and she’s female!

Alternate Mode
Rust Dust follows the green and red colour scheme that characterises the Torchbearers, making them one of the most colour-coordinated gestalts around. Does anyone use the word “gestalt” to refer to the combiners anymore? It sounds like a cooler word but I guess it’s not as accessible as “combiner.”
Anyway Rust Dust comes with some nifty detailing on the windshield. Besides the Cybertronian words written on it, there’s also a crack, showing that she’s been through a lot of action. It would have worked better if the windshield were opaque or blue, I suppose, but then Groove’s windshield was also black, just painted over with gold paint. It’s an interesting detail to have, but a solid colour on the windshield would have helped to break up the mass of black on the front of Rust Dust.

I like the kickstand though. It adds that slight tinge of asymmetry to her, so that she doesn’t seem so artificial. Yes, I understand how ironic I sound when I say that I don’t like her to be so artificial. But for a figure so small, it’s difficult to have a lot of meaningful parts or details that won’t chip or break off, so I appreciate the small little design detail here.

Robot Mode
Rust Dust’s robot mode does look rather manly, since she’s kind of chunky. The windshield portion forms a larger, protruding chest which does serve to create more feminine proportions, although you’d have to be looking at her with the assumption that she’s female for it to work. As a Legends toy, she has less points of articulation, but she’s still able to move her elbows and knees without obstruction.
Not digging the shades though. It gives her the stern, Robocop look, which doesn’t quite jive with the impulsive nation that she’s supposed to have. Apparently she’s very unbalanced, but the face doesn’t give that impression. Then again, you have those cracks on the windshield, so that’s good evidence of it.

Maybe if Rust Dust had different coloured eyes (one green one red?) or something wackier, it would have worked for her characterisation. However, the blue is a good complement to the existing colours, so pros and cons there I guess.

So that’s it for Rust Dust! She’s more of an accessory than an important part of Victorion, who’s often drawn without her anyway (poor forgotten Rust Dust), so in a battle she’ll be the first part to get knocked off. Nevertheless, she does have some interesting details, although not so much so that she’s unforgettable.
Check out my other reviews on the bots in the Victorion giftset!
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