Jumpstream is the prettiest Torchbearer of them all, the Autobot subgroup that forms Victorion. It’s a little weird to describe a Transformer as pretty but if you see Jumpsteam’s face, you’ll know what I mean. She transforms into a Lamborghini Diablo, and is usually designated as Victorion’s right arm. Of course you can be creative and put her anywhere you like, but arms work best I’d think. Thanks Hasbro for the Victorion giftset!

She’s available as part of the Victorion box set that retails for SGD$219.90, and she was launched on 15 May. Victorion was the result of the Fan Built Combiner Polls in 2015, and she’s female!

Alternate Mode
As usual, the Lamborghini is classy, even though it’s in the unorthodox colours of green and red. I think the solid green works, since trying to add variety and details would look tacky on a car that’s so angular. The red spoiler doesn’t really work for me though, but then a green spoiler wouldn’t have worked either. Maybe a silver one?

It’s a very simple, minimalist look that this colour scheme goes for. With such bright and contrasting colours, toning down the loudness of the hues was a good decision to go with.

Robot Mode
And now we’re getting to the interesting part – the robot mode! She’s the girliest of the lot, since the roundedness of the figure is suggestive of a female form anyway (although not the usual stick thin figure). Her face and lips clearly show signs of makeup, and especially with those rosy red ones. It reminds me of Windblade’s face, but without that geisha look.

Jumpstream’s new chest piece finishes off the ladylikeness of the robot mode, making her one of the more definitive female Torchbearers.
Her side earmuffs also has a bit of the Princess Leia thing going on here. It’s difficult to have a Transformer wear robes, but her kibble does overlap and give a little bit of the robe feel, especially the back kibble. Of course I’m not going to force a Princess Leia connection here where there isn’t, but just trying to figure out what are all the aspects that make a Transformer more ladylike.

Jumpstream is the earnest girl next door who also happens to be the prom queen, given her looks. She’s the most dateable Torchbearer (I’m talking in terms of dating other male Transformers, not dating humans, sorry to disappoint guys) and perhaps the most human one of them all. Regardless, any mirror would say she’s the prettiest one of them all. Even her name is one of the more softer sounding ones, with nothing that would suggest pain or war.
Check out my other reviews on the bots in the Victorion giftset!
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