So here’s the last of my G2 Combiners reviews! G2 Menasor comes in a giftset and retails for $199.90 SGD, although I believe he’s on sale right now if you look carefully (I’d go with Metro if I were you). He’s the recolour of Combiner Wars’ Menasor, using Wildrider instead of Offroad a leg. The original G2 Menasor was unreleased at retail although pictures of him exist on the Internet, making him incredibly rare.
I liked Menasor for a very weird reason – the Autobots had to cosplay as him when they infiltrated the Decepticons in G1. In fact, they even managed to combine thanks to magnetism (a Primary Science topic!) though it doesn’t quite make sense la, magnetism that strong would also prevent them from moving.
So on to G2 Menasor!

G2 Blackjack
One thing about the G2 Stunticons is they’re unified by a light blue, almost teal colour. Is it teal? I don’t know if it can be called teal. The lighter colours make the details on his mould much more obvious though, making it easier for you to custom paint it if you’d like to. Although the colours are neon, they’re a very cool shade of neon, making them less glaring than other G2 Combiners.

G2 Motormaster
For some reason, G2 Motormaster lacks the teal that everyone else has, instead using a more moderate shade of blue mixed with his purple. That plus his red highlights makes him look a little like Shattered Glass Optimus Prime (ignoring the head of course), and for some reason makes him look like he’s more fun to play with. Regular Motormaster looks like his serious elder brother.

G2 Dead End
G2 Dead End is the Stunticon that came through unscathed (just like G2 Fireflight). He looks like someone just upped the brightness on his colour palette so that he’d look more cheerful. He’s not indistinguishable from his G1 counterpart, but they look pretty much like the same toy from far. Also, no teal. Hooray for bold primary colours!

G2 Breakdown
Now G2 Breakdown is where things get really teally. Hi entire body is teal, to make up for G2 Motormaster and G2 Dead End’s lack of teal. Fortunately, he’s the most angular of the lot (so he’s more masculine in that sense) so it makes the teal less eye-catching, but wow! He really looks like he could be in a disco. Actually, he looks like he’s already in a disco with the lights out. G2 Breakdown is a party animal man.

G2 Dragstrip
G2 Dragstrip looks like the most futuristic G2 Stunticon of the bunch. Perhaps it’s the black and yellow, but they serve to make him look pretty sleek. They’re also sort of an inversion of Mirage’s colours, so again, he could also serve as an alternate universe version of Mirage. I think Shattered Glass Mirage has a different colour scheme. In this case, he’s an improvement over the original

G2 Wildrider
And finally we have G2 Wildrider, who stole G1 Drag Strip’s colour scheme. His purple face serves to make him look more menacing than ever. Since he’s wide and blockier, the yellow looks better on him than the original Drag Strip. It also has the weird side effect of making his exhaust pipe weapon look awkward, but I’d rather a good bot and weird weapon than the other way around.

G2 Menasor
And finally, we have the mighty combiner himself! If you remember what I said about his teal, it’s here in spades, largely due to his hands and feet and G2 Blackjack’s weapon. He’s a bold, impressive robot that’s a riot of colours which actually don’t look all that out of place. The reason for that is that each limb is a different core colour, and his torso being a separate colour altogether. So in the end, it all works out.

So that’s it for the G2 Combiners! I hope G2 Defensor comes one day (maybe I’ll ask someone to custom him for me, heh), but till then that’s it.
Check out my other G2 Combiner reviews!
[Transformers] ‘G2 Superion’ has the superhero look
[Transformers] ‘G2 Bruticus’ looks surprisingly colour co-ordinated
[Transformers] ‘G2 Onslaught’ has a friendly disco feel
[Transformers] ‘G2 Brawl’ from the G2 Bruticus giftset has a sleepy vibe to him
[Transformers] ‘G2 Swindle’ looks like Targetmaster Scoop’s brother
[Transformers] ‘G2 Blast Off’ has a sweet robot mode
[Transformers] ‘G2 Vortex’ could be the new Decepticon mascot
[Transformers] ‘G2 Shockwave’ from the G2 Bruticus giftset looks cheerful

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