G2 Brawl is the recolour of Brawl from the Combaticons. He transforms into a tank, and usually forms one of Bruticus‘ legs, although you can use him for any limb. He’s repainted in bright green with purple… highlights? Leaves? He’s certainly evocative of G2 Megatron, although thankfully the CHURG G2 Megatron has been more restrained in adding colours to him.
I’ve removed the turret to show you that it’s separate piece by itself, but you’d normally have him pegged on in vehicle mode.

He’s available as part of the G2 Bruticus box set that retails for SGD$199.90, and he was launched on 15 June. G2 Bruticus is the last of the G2 combiner recolours, unless a G2 Defensor one appears! Thanks Hasbro for G2 Bruticus!

Alternate Mode
The purple is really unfathomable, but I suppose this would be something that the SAF uses. Do they have green and purple tanks like these? In a really exotic jungle, the camouflaged colours would help since the plants are equally likely to be as exotic. But remember that this was the 90’s and everything was neon. Or rather, it homages the 90’s, where everything was bright and colourful.

I can’t say much for the G2 decor except that perhaps alien shrubbery is bright purple. The problem is that the purple highlights come at the expense of painting over some of the details on the tank. I’d have preferred some of the sculpted portions to have been detailed, it would have added a little bit more realism to the his tank mode.
The Decepticon symbol is also a tad smaller. Hey, why isn’t it the G2 Deception symbol?

Robot Mode
That purple. Woah. Somehow he looks a little cuddly, like he’s in pyjamas. Especially those large legs with the purple highlights on green. In a way, it makes him look like he just woke up. I’d dub him Sleep Mode Brawl if not for the fact that, well, Optimus Prime already has a Sleep Mode toy that does not connote anything good. Besides, Brawl’s never really met any fatal fates in the G1 cartoon right?

He’s got the same unusual hips as before, but once thing the green is does is to really make his peg holes stand out a lot more. Nothing wrong with it, I suppose, it’s better than a mysterious black hole, and you’re more inclined to fit him with more weapons and accessories as a result.

As mentioned before, his gun also forms his tank turret, so this is one of the rare Transformers where the gun actually becomes an integral part of the alternate mode.

Definitely I’m opting for the original deco. G2 Brawl has a slightly sleepy vibe to him now that I’ve associated his deco with pyjamas. Sorry G2 Brawl, but I like your original brother better.

Still, G2 Brawl has a spot on my shelf because G2 Megatron needs some troops to lead, and who would be friends with G2 Menasor otherwise? Perhaps I’ll go look for some funky plants so that G2 Brawl will really have some fun hiding in neon shrubbery.
Check out my other reviews on G2 Bruticus here!
G2 Bruticus giftset
[Transformers] ‘G2 Bruticus’ looks surprisingly colour co-ordinated
[Transformers] ‘G2 Onslaught’ has a friendly disco feel
[Transformers] ‘G2 Brawl’ from the G2 Bruticus giftset has a sleepy vibe to him
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[Transformers] ‘G2 Blast Off’ has a sweet robot mode
[Transformers] ‘G2 Vortex’ could be the new Decepticon mascot
[Transformers] ‘G2 Shockwave’ from the G2 Bruticus giftset looks cheerful
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