G2 Shockwave is a recolour of the original Combiner Wars Legends Shockwave, in Action Master colours. As you can tell, he’s not actually from Generation 2, but from the Action Masters line. If you collect Action Master homages, hey, Shockwave’s as good as homage as any!
He transforms into gun and Cybertronian spaceship (although it is a rather tiny spaceship), and as such could charitably be called a triple-changer. He forms a gun for G2 Bruticus, although he’s not a critical component for the combiner. Thus far, this is the most cartoon accurate (in terms of intent) for Shockwave in the CHURG line, though not the most size or colour scheme accurate.

He’s available as part of the G2 Bruticus box set that retails for SGD$199.90, and he was launched on 15 June. G2 Bruticus is the last of the G2 combiner recolours, unless a G2 Defensor one appears! Thanks Hasbro for G2 Bruticus!

Alternate Mode
There’s not much to say about G2 Shockwave’s alternate mode that hasn’t already been addressed in his original form. He can be a gun or a spaceship, although a gun is a much more fun idea than a spaceship. He comes with sights, although they still aren’t transparent.

Not quite sure what I think of this, to be honest. I preferred more transparent parts, and an Action Master homage isn’t really all that exciting. I’d have preferred an original Shockwave mould (Voyager or Deluxe, I’m good with either!) for my CHURG line. Right now I have Transformers: Cloud Shockwave standing in for him. I used to have Fall of Cybertron Shockwave being my neo-G1 Shockwave but he was much too small to be imposing. I would use Transformers: Prime Shockwave but then he’s busy, you know, being part of Transformers: Prime. I had an Arms Micron Shockwave for the Fall of Cybertron Decepticons, so no worries there.

I liked the original Shockwave better. YMMV but I think you’d agree. Then again, what other Shockwave decos could they have come up with? A Shattered Glass version would be weird, and any other variant would similarly be based on G1.

Robot Mode
I don’t know. I loved my Action Master Shockwave back then because he had a gun for a hand and one eye and he was my first Transformers that so edgy, but as a Legends toy, his bright orange doesn’t really work for him. It does fit into the whole G2 aesthetic, but since I don’t dress in bright neon I can’t say that I am all that in love with bright colours. It’s fun, just not cool, if you know what I mean.

I suppose he makes for a cheerful Shockwave, since his expression is inscrutable. Then again, how can you tell when his expression is really just an eye? He’s redder and flashier than his original self, that’s for sure. I would have preferred to have more transparent parts and a less complex paintjob though.

G2 Shockwave is cheerful looking, to say the least. I prefer my bots to be fierce, but at least there’s an option if, for some reason, you need G2 Shockwave to partehhhhh. But then that’s what all the G2 Transformers are about, aren’t they? They’re the 90’s!
Check out my other reviews on G2 Bruticus here!
G2 Bruticus giftset
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[Transformers] ‘G2 Shockwave’ from the G2 Bruticus giftset looks cheerful
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