G2 Blast Off is a recolour of Blast Off and is a member of the G2 Combaticons. He transforms into a Harrier Jump Jet and also into Bruticus’ arm, although he can form any limb of Bruticus if you’re so inclined. Anyway he comes with a foot and hand part that transforms into what could charitably be called a gun, so there you go.

He’s available as part of the G2 Bruticus box set that retails for SGD$199.90, and he was launched on 15 June. G2 Bruticus is the last of the G2 combiner recolours, unless a G2 Defensor one appears! Thanks Hasbro for G2 Bruticus!

Alternate Mode
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – are forests all purple on Cybertron? Anyway, Blast Off is predominantly white with the purple camouflage prints on him. He’s very G2 looking because this colour scheme is characteristic of the G2 toys. It’s something that totally belongs to the 90’s. It’s not neon nor is it clashing, but it evokes that feel that the G2 recolours try to recapture.

If you think about it, it’s the underside of the plane that needs the camo more than the top. But as kids, I suppose we, er, I mean when we were young and also I am referring to the current target demographic, would play with him holding G2 Blast Off from the top. So if you rationalise it properly, camo on top is more important. Sort of.

Robot Mode
G2 Blast Off’s robot mode trumps his alternate mode. It’s quite a sleek, streamlined look that this robot mode has, thanks to the strategic placements of purple on his torso. The other reason is because you don’t really see the camo prints on his robot mode, which again help to make him look more futuristic and well designed.

His robot mode is pretty sweet when you look at it carefully. The camouflage prints are nicely relegated to the back, and because of the way the kibble folds in, it acts more like accents than an actual dollop of colour on him. Not too shabby!

G2 Blast Off’s weapon looks like a machine gun, so it is what it is.

G2 Blast Off looks like a very different toy from his original, and could totally pass off as something from another line. It looks more like a toy than the original, and it also looks more fun as a result.

So there you have it – the 2 Blast Offs. I’m opting for G2 Blast Off, which means that I just might use him as a white arm for my G1 Bruticus.
Check out my other reviews on G2 Bruticus here!
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