[Transformers] ‘Fellbat’ from the Liokaiser giftset is a faithful homage
Next in my Liokaiser review, I’m going to check out Fellbat, who is a retool of Skydive. He transforms into a fighter jet that is [Click to read more.]
Next in my Liokaiser review, I’m going to check out Fellbat, who is a retool of Skydive. He transforms into a fighter jet that is [Click to read more.]
So today I’ll be looking at Drillhorn from the Liokaiser giftset in Transformers: Combiner Wars. Drillhorn transforms into a drill tank (do drill tanks exist [Click to read more.]
So here’s the last of my G2 Combiners reviews! G2 Menasor comes in a giftset and retails for $199.90 SGD, although I believe he’s on [Click to read more.]
So here’s a quick and dirty review of G2 Superion from the G2 Superion giftset. He normally retails for $199.90 SGD but he’s on sale [Click to read more.]
G2 Bruticus is the combined form of the G2 Combaticons, Brawl, Vortex, Blast Off, Swindle, Onslaught, with new team member Shockwave as the weapon. He’s [Click to read more.]
G2 Onslaught is the recolour of Onslaught, who is the leader of the Combaticons. This makes G2 Onslaught the leader of the G2 Decepticons. He’s [Click to read more.]
G2 Swindle is a recolour of Swindle from the Combaticons. He transforms into a military jeep and becomes one of Bruticus’ legs, although he can form [Click to read more.]
G2 Blast Off is a recolour of Blast Off and is a member of the G2 Combaticons. He transforms into a Harrier Jump Jet and [Click to read more.]
G2 Vortex is the recolour of Vortex from the Combaticons. He transformers into a Aerospatiale Dauphin helicopter, and becomes one of the arms of Bruticus, although [Click to read more.]
G2 Brawl is the recolour of Brawl from the Combaticons. He transforms into a tank, and usually forms one of Bruticus‘ legs, although you can use [Click to read more.]
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