If you’re a Powerdasher completist, then Cromar is the final figure to round out your collection! Cromar (officially known as ‘Powerdasher Cromar’) is a Deluxe figure that’s a retool of Sixgun. He transforms into a Cybertronian tank/VTOL hovercraft. As a Weaponiser, he can also separate and form weapon parts and accessories for other, larger Transformer figures. As part of the Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege line, he represents a Transformer pre-Earth Mode. He’s also part of the Transformers: Generation Selects line, which means he comes in a nifty brown box rather than the usual packaging.
Thanks for him, Hasbro Singapore!

Cromar comes packed in robot mode.

Me, personally, I like the brown boxes. They remind me of TFSS (Transformers Subscription Service) days, and give that feeling of exclusivity (which, in a way, is what Cromar is, since he’s part of the Transformers: Generation Selects line).

Robot Mode

Cromar is a retool of Sixgun, with a new head. His chest cannons have a paintjob that emphasises a different aspect of his weaponry, and the silver pops quite abit against his black torso.

He splits up into the following components:
– MTX-50 Dual-Flank Boost Launcher (upper black body)
– MTX-S2A Guided Missile Launcher” (lower grey body)
– MTX-M2 Anti-Gravity Cannons x 2 (legs)
– MTX-LR Ion-Pulse Blasters x 2 (arms and the long guns attached to them)
– W-5 Gyro Blasters x 2 (small red guns)

However his default mode positions his arm guns below his forearms (presumably so that he has space to wield other weapons), I prefer him to be holding on to them.

The two W-5 Gyro Blasters (small red guns), forming the tip of his “backpack guns”, are probably the parts you really need to check every time you play with him – I’m terrified of losing them!

Wish he could have had a longer neck though.

He’s quite poseable in robot mode.

Although it’s difficult to get all his weaponry to point/fire in the same direction (admit it, you wanted to try that too right?).

Alternate Mode

Cromar transforms into a Cybertronian tank… or VTOL craft. I mean, look at those VTOL engines on his arms! Besides, his fellow Powerdasher Zetar already turns into a tank (albeit a drill tank), so I think we’ve got that base covered.

His cockpit is nifty, but it does raise the question – who would drive him on Cybertron? The Battlemasters and Micromasters definitely won’t fit.

His alternate mode elevates the bulk of his body off the ground, which helps with the illusion that he’s flying.

I like the engine details. They didn’t have to add them, but they did – it contributes to the versimilitude of Cromar’s character.

His alternate mode is definitely Cybertronian though, as was Sixgun’s.

While you can still see his head in his alt mode, it’s nicely tucked away.


(Sorry the pictures are so blur!)
When you put Sixgun and Cromar side by side and look at their different decos, you can truly appreciate the detail that went into the sculpt. Great if you’re a customiser!

Cromar’s colour scheme is similar to Aragon, so Zetar stands out more in the team.

Since Ultra Magnus commanded the Powerdasher team, here he is with the squad!

And since Cromar is a Weaponiser, here is Ultra Magnus using all of Cromar’s parts.

So here’s Cromar for you! Although he may be a retool of Sixgun, he certainly feels very different – not like a component of a massive citybot. He’s got his own feel and flavour, and fits in with the other Weaponis – sorry, Powerdashers.
Cromar will be available at Hobby Ark Toy Store and Robo Robo, as well as major department stores and hobby shops.

Official Name: Powerdasher Cromar
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian tank/Cybertronian VTOL hovercraft
Size Class: Deluxe Class (Weaponiser)
Subgroup: Powerdashers
Product Line: Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege (Transformers: Generations Selects)
Weapons: 2 x W-5 Gyro Blasters (small red guns) (he splits up into 10 pieces altogether)

For more Transformers goodness:
- [Transformers] Hasbro’s Singapore first official Transformers Fan Preview is a hit with fans
- [Transformers] Second Transformers Fans’ Preview by Hasbro Singapore sees overwhelming response
- [Transformers] Speed transformation winner brings home Omega Supreme at Transformers Fans’ Preview by Hasbro Singapore
This is an original article on marcusgohmarcusgoh.com.
Follow Marcus Goh (yes, referring to myself in third person) on Facebook and Instagram for more (presumably) good updates!
I’m an independent scriptwriter who’s written for popular shows like Lion Mums, Crimewatch, Police & Thief, and Incredible Tales. I’m also a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find me on social media as Optimarcus and on my site.
Send me an email if you want to get in touch!
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