So some time back, I had the pleasure of acquiring a Gigantic Action Scorponok. He’s really gigantic. He’s the size of Fortress Maximus.

He’s also pretty hefty and heavy. It was a struggle lugging Gigantic Action Scorponok back home – a good omen of his size and stature!

I like that they went for a line drawing rather than a full colour illustration on his box. There’s already so much Scorponok artwork out there that it’s unlikely you could do justice to the massive toy within.

To whet your appetite, they have images of what Scorponok is like inside.

He comes protected with styrofoam padding on his most vital areas.

So I believe his paintwork will withstand at least a few knocks within the box. Even if you didn’t drop the box from the sheer weight, chances are that someone along the supply chain did.

Scorponok’s coming free! There’s no other way to pack in in the box, really. And remember, his size comes at a price – he doesn’t transform.

Getting the last bits of plastic off Scorponok…

And here’s Scorponok, fully decked out with his guns! Guns?

Yeah, his guns come unattached – you need to plug them in as part of the unboxing. At least there aren’t any pesky stickers!

He stands with a slight pelvic thrust, not unlike his archenemy (at least on TV).

If you remember, Scorponok as a tail. Here, it’s sort of bunched up into a backpack, the way his transformation rightfully has it. Personally, I’d rather he let his tail down.

Even Scorponok’s back is highly detailed.

Check out Scorponok’s pecs. It doesn’t open up the way his G1 toy does though.

He doesn’t have his visor either, but then I don’t remember his visor being super prominent in the cartoon either. Not the Japanese one, at any rate.

Superb shoulder cannons.

Detailed feet. Well, for the size, anyway. I’d rather other parts of him be more detailed.

His claw. If you squint, you can just make out a head, the way Black Zarak turns into this hydra thing at the end of Masterforce.

This is where his gun plugs in. I wish he came with a melee weapon though.

In case you’re wondering what kind of peg this would fit, here you go.

Scorponok’s weapons are just as huge and heavy as he is.

Even the undersides are detailed!

So here’s Scorponok, completely ready for battle! I mean, even without his weapons he would be a challenge for anyone, so this is really just overkill. Unless he’s facing Fortress Maximus, of course.

He will kill you to death!

Here’s some comparison with his G1 counterpart. He’s almost twice the height! Makes you feel sad, how Scorponok’s toy was totally outclasses by Fortress Maximus’ toy.

Oddly, it looks like that Headmaster might actually fit…

So here he is with Botcon Scorponok, who incidentally has a Headmaster while Gigantic Action Scorponok doesn’t.

Before I move on – some bonus shots of Fortress Maximus first.

I changed his head, if you didn’t realise.

And with a new head, comes new add-ons – specifically, more guns!

And here it is, the battle that everyone has been waiting for – Fortress Maximus vs Scorponok!

It’s an epic duel, and you can see the two titans are pretty well-matched in size.

Who will win? You’ll just have to buy a Gigantic Action Scorponok to see for yourself!
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