OMG OMG OMG so Hasbro sent me Trypticon really long ago, but I haven’t had time to get down to reviewing it. Sorry Hasbro! I promise I’ll be more timely in future. I was super stoked to get Trypticon, of course, but with the vagaries of work and all, I didn’t have time to savour him fully.

So if you don’t know who Trypticon is, well. He’s the Decepticon City. He transforms from a dinosaur, to a city, to a giant tank. But of course, the city and the dinosaur parts are what really have me excited.

I mean, what more could you ask for in a Transformer? He doesn’t turn into a humanoid robot, but when you have alternate modes like a dinosaur and a city, why would you need to?

And here’s our first peek at Trypticon! Did you ever manage to own him as a child? Did any of us? So opening him is truly reliving a childhood I never had.

The bio paints Trypticon as some sort of vengeful reaper, but really he’s just a big loveable oaf that happens to destroy things because he’s so big. He’s like a house cat in size, really.

Here’s a closer view of Trypticon. And another reminder of what our childhoods could have been like if Trypticon were cheaper and more plentiful back then.

More Trypticon! Yes, boys and girls, this is what you would see of Trypticon if you went to the toy store but couldn’t buy him.

And finally he’s free! There’s a bunch of rubber bands and plastic covers you’ve got to get through though, but nothing on the scale of Armada Unicron, thankfully.

All the bits and pieces he comes with. Don’t lose Full-Tilt’s gun!
Trypticon – Dinosaur mode

Now this is a thing of beauty. A magnificent beast that has been released from his prison. It’s Trypticon!

Admit it, you’ve always wanted to look intro Trypticon’s mouth and check out his teeth. Well, these blasters are where his fiery breath comes from. Isn’t strange how dinosaurs always breathe fire in fiction?

So let’s check out Trypticon in dinosaur mode. I could keep him in this mode forever.

Actually, I do keep Trypticon in dinosaur mode all the time. I mean, he’s probably the largest robot dinosaur I have. Not that I have many, besides the Dinobots.

Thank goodness all his stickers come pre-applied. That’s one of the wonderful things about the reissue Trypticon.

At least you don’t have to fret about sticking stickers in the wrong place! That always happens to me. Always.

You can keep his rocket boosters in the default mode, but sometimes I like to swing them up and pretend that they are cannons. Makes him more imposing.
Trypticon – City mode

I happen to like Trypticon’s base mode. I think it’s the coolest city-bot amongst the Decepticons.

Then again, Trypticon’s competitors for city mode are Overlord and Scorponok…. which doesn’t say very much for them.

Personally, it’s the two round platforms he has that look like teleporters that really does it for me. It just gives the idea that there’s so much more to Trypticon than a mere city.

Yes, I forgot to flip down the middle ramp, I know.

This isn’t something you see everyday – the back of a city. Somehow, it still works, even though I’m pretty sure he wasn’t designed to be viewed from this angle.

He looks just as awesome from behind as he does from the front, in city mode, that is.

You don’t even need to lean him against a mountain to have him realistically be a city, since he looks OK from all angles.
Trypticon – Mobile battle station mode

And here’s Trypticon as a giant tank!

OK, this mode is really just an afterthought. But after giving us a fantastic dinosaur and a city, I don’t really think an actual tank mode is needed.

In fact, if the tank mode were more realistic, it would probably detract from the dinosaur and city mode. So I’m perfectly fine with it the way it is.

If I really wanted a tank, I’d go for Armada Megatron or G2 Megatron or something.

Still, if you want to pile your Transformers on some sort of vehicle, his tank mode works. Ram him against Metroplex!

Although as the title says, this is more of a mobile battle station than a tank.

And here’s the first of Trypticon’s friend, the squat little tank called Brunt!

Brunt doesn’t actually transform into anything by the way. So it’s kind of cute that they gave him a name.

Brunt actually kind of falls apart and becomes accessories for Trypticon in his city and mobile battle station modes.

Brunt could be a long lost cousin of Galvatron’s, the way his orange barrel shines.

Also Brunt is purple, lending more credence to the theory that he is Galvatron’s relative.

But Brunt is still a cute tank.
Full-Tilt – Car mode

So here’s the other, real Transformer that comes with Trypticon.

When you think about it, Full-Tilt doesn’t really tilt. Brunt is the one who tilts.

So maybe Full-Tilt and Brunt had their names swapped at the last minute! Then again, Brunt sounds more like a brute, so maybe that’s why he got the name.

Full-Tilt’s gun is very, very easy to lose, if I haven’t stressed that enough.

So just watch out for where you smash Full-Tilt into, OK?

OK, enough of his car mode, which I’m sure you’ve just been patiently swiping through. Here’s his robot mode!
Full-Tilt – Robot mode

He’s even got a face sculpted on! A real face!

OK I was expecting some passing semblance to a face, maybe just a head. But he’s really got a face! Now this I’ve gotta paint.

If you don’t know, I have my Decepticons hold their weapons in their left hands, which explains why Full-Tilt wields his weapon in such a way.

Full-Tilt’s got stickers too!

Although honestly, I don’t know who Full-Tilt would make friends with. His companions are a tank and a dinosaur/city. There aren’t any real robots in this bunch.

But hey, I’m not complaining!
Trypticon & Gang

And finally, here’s a shot of Trypticon and friends! I’ve included Wipe-Out because, well, I have a Wipe-Out and he’s supposed to be part of Trypticon’s team according to TFWiki.
Of all the Platinum releases, Trypticon is the most awesome. Hasbro really went all the way with this crowd pleaser (in addition to the Coneheads), and now you’ve practically got the G1 Decepticon team reissued already. A quick hunt and you can get the other three Seekers, Megatron and Soundwave together for a group photo.
To end off Trypticon’s review, here’s what he looks like when he walks!
Great review, I was just wondering one thing. Do you know if this release accessories are retrocompatible with vintage one? For example scanners…
Hey, as far as I know they should be.