Should you watch this, Wiki this, or wait for the recap? Watch it!
Shredder sends a newly returned Tiger Claw and Karai to destroy the Turtles once and for all. But Karai’s infiltration of the Turtles’ lair brings about unexpected revelations of her past! Can the Turtles defeat Tiger Claw, and what will come of Karai’s allegiances?

“The Wrath of Tiger Claw” is the 19th episode of Season 2 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it’s a good one! It finally continues the series arc that we’ve been missing for 4 episodes, and brings back a physically formidable and highly skilled villain, Tiger Claw! It also features Karai, which is always welcome – there are only two ladies on the show (three if you count Kraang Prime, but seriously?) and April can get a bit whiny at times.
The thing about Tiger Claw is that he can compete with the Turtles as a ninja and a fighter, as opposed to relying on some sort of special power or mutant ability to attack them. They’re competing on an even playing field in this sense, since it’s really all about fighting technique and training. But then Tiger Claw is a tiger, so he does have an advantage.
So back to this episode It’s Tiger Claw’s return, and it befits his status as a powerful villain by featuring plot twists and great fights.

Tiger Claw
Tiger Claw’s a hit-or-miss type of villain – but he’s a hit for me. I can see how he’s a Mary Sue, but he’s got all the elements of a memorable character – visually he’s interesting as a tiger, he’s probably the most skilled ninja after Shredder and Splinter, and he’s got a mysterious backstory (his sliced off tail). He’s always defeated legitimately (instead of via trickery or countering his powers), and he’s got a nifty voice actor to portray him. He’s in conflict with virtually every character except Shredder, which makes him the star of any scene he’s in. What’s there not to love about Tiger Claw?
Karai’s change of heart
The writers have been dangling this in front of us for so many episodes – will Karai reunite with Splinter, or will she follow Shredder out of loyalty? She finally comes to a conclusive decision in this episode, and the Turtles will have a new ally at last! Or at least, once she overcomes the circumstances that the episode left her in…
The fights
There are so many good fights in this episode! First, we have a one-on-one between Tiger Claw and Casey Jones. You know Casey is going to lose, so it’s just a matter of how long Casey can hold off Tiger Claw. And they have very different styles of combat – Casey’s street fighting versus Tiger Claw’s martial arts. It’s interesting, visually, to see them go head to head.
Then the climax has Tiger Claw versus the Turtles. We’re reminded of just how dangerous he is when he trounces the Turtles easily, cementing his position as one of the Foot Clan’s deadliest warriors. I daresay he’s the Tatsu of this series.

Tiger Claw’s retreat
At the climax, Tiger Claw retreats for no proper reason. All his opponents are on the ropes, and he only needs to finish them off in their weakened state. Yet he’d rather escape than spend another two minutes destroying the Turtles. Why? It doesn’t make sense. It seems like an arbitrary way to spare the Turtles.
April vs Karai
It looked like there’d be a fight!
But there wasn’t. They just talked.

On the whole, “The Wrath of Tiger Claw” is a worthwhile episode to catch, especially if you’re a fan of Tiger Claw. If not, there’s still the advancement of the series arc, and the inevitable conclusion (and fate) of Karai
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