Should you watch this, Wiki this, or wait for the recap? Watch this.
On the night of Opal’s departure for Air Temple Island, Zaheer and his gang attempt to kidnap Korra from Zaofu, but are foiled by Mako, Bolin, Su and Lin. Our heroes deduce that Zaheer must have had inside help – but who could be crazy enough to help the four insane criminals?

“The Terror Within” is the 8th Chapter (episode) of Book 3 (Season 3) of The Legend of Korra. It begins the second half of Book 3, and begins what appears to be the second series arc in a big way. While we may have thought of Zaofu as just a stop on the way to Republic City, it turns out that the Metal Clan city might not be a tourist attraction after all. It could very well be the next Ba Sing Se in terms of importance.
Also, an excellent set piece battle in this episode that gives everyone their moment of awesome, and shows us just how powerful all the characters, protagonists and antagonists, are at Bending their respective elements. If all the remaining episodes will feature fights like this, I’m stoked!

Team Korra vs Team Zaheer
After 7 episodes, we finally see the fight that the season has been building up to – Team Korra vs Team Zaheer! Korra is out of comission in this fight, which is a bit sad, but the rest of her friends manage to pick up the slack and take on Team Zaheer! However, Zaheer and his gang are on the defensive, rather than outright trying to defeat Team Avatar, so they also aren’t fighting at full strength. It’s an action-packed, skilfully choreographed fight that ends in a draw – and leaves us wanting more. Go Korra!
Aiwei’s betrayal
Aiwei seemed like a very stereotypical minister/advisor type – until his unexpected betrayal at the end. It seems like he might very well be elevated to the status of one of the main villains for the rest of the season. And seeing that he has this nifty truthseeking power, it stands to reason that he might have other, more insidiious abilities that derive from his Earthbending, meaning that any future fights with him will be a battle of wits rather than power.
Suyin’s cunning
Suyin is really coming into her own and avoiding that whole Mary Sue cliche that we saw her as 3 episodes ago. Despite being estranged from her sister for years, Su displays her intimate knowledge of her sister by overtly agreeing but secretly getting Korra to hunt down Aiwei. It’ll lead to another confrontation between Su and Lin, for sure, and that’s what’ll keep us watching until the end of the season!

Varrick is as irritating as ever. He doesn’t serve a purpose, and if the intention of having Varrick around is to provide comic relief – I’m not laughing. I’d rather the animation budget and VO talent budget used to create this worthless character go towards animating better fights or having more Zaheer appearances.
Zaheer’s escape
We don’t see what becomes of Zaheer and company after they escape. Why? I would have wanted to know where they’re hiding out and the next step of their sinister plan.

“The Terror Within” sets in motion all the burning questions that will keep us glued to the last 5 episodes, by setting up mysteries and implying that Zaheer’s gang may not just be limited to the 4 of them – it could be a worldwide conspiracy to defeat the Avatar. In which case Korra will have her hands full facing her opponents. However, it does raise the question – where were they during all the previous world threatening scenarios?
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