Insecticons (Bombshell, Kickback, Skrapnel)
Platinum Edition
Transformers Generation 1 (originally)
MSRP: $79.90

Should you buy them? Yes. Do you know how hard it is to find these G1 Decepticons?

So for some G1 goodness, we have the Insecticons for company. They were last reissued in 2009, but do you know how expensive they quickly became? They and Perceptor. So this is quite the godsend if you like to collect G1 toys.
Also I’m selling off my 2009 Commemorative Insecticons now. Should have waited instead of buying it on eBay. Gahhhhh.

In terms of name changes, we finally have Bombshell back as Bombshell (instead of Hardshell, which has a completely different connotation altogether). It might be Insecticon Bombshell, but hey at least that name can be used.
On the other hand, Shrapnel is now Skrapnel. It fits with the Generations Skrapnel that came out not too long ago, but 2 out of 3 homages to the original G1 names isn’t bad!

They come with Energon cubes. Not huge ones, but yay! Official Energon cubes FTW.

And yes, the rumours are true. The Coneheads are coming! It’s not just Dirge that’s getting a reissue, we have Ramjet and Thrust as well!

So these are what the Insecticons look like out of the box, in their tray. Those pink squares are Energon cubes. Cute Energon cubes.

It comes with stickers. If you’re a sticker fan, rejoice! It’s just like the G1 toy, where you get to decorate your Transformers for stickers. Apparently it builds ownership and a sense of satisfaction, like customising your toy.

Some interesting clues can be gleaned from the art of the tray insert.

So here we have it! The Insecticons, without stickers. In insect mode. I think the feelers make them creepier.

Clean and plain robot mode Insecticons.

After some fumbling of the stickers later, we have fully decorated Insecticons! I’ve always been bad at pasting stickers, especially with larger-than-average fingers. So I take really long, and it’s lot of grunting before I can get them on.
Take a pair of tweezers if you don’t have nimble and dexterous fingers.

Robot mode Insecticons. They are kind of cute and small. I mean, compared to what you’d expect or compared to Megatron. I’ll post some pics of the Generations Legends Insecticons to illustrate what I mean later.

Skrapnel is first up. He’s got wheels. For you to roll him on the ground and scare your cat Autobots with a giant robot insect coming after it.

And here he is in robot mode! His feelers are supposed to come up a bit more and block his face, but I prefer it down. Faces shouldn’t be covered, unless it’s a discrete, defined helmet.

Modern and Classic Skrapnel. Which do you prefer? Both are out in stores anyway, so take your pick.

Then there’s Bombshell, which is a rhinoceros beetle, apparently. Somehow he looks like a dung beetle. Not that I’ve seen either in real life, but there you go.

Bombshell looks the most menacing of the trio, what with his visor-like mouth and generally larger frame and build than the others. He’s the muscle of the group anyway.

And here’s Bombshell with Bombshell! His G1 self is larger. You can get both, and if I remember correctly at Botcon 2014 the Hasbro panel hinted that they would ensure we got all three Insecticons and all three Seekers for the Generation Legends line. So that means the last Insecticon is coming out soon!

Kickback is the creepiest of the lot. He had this high-pitched, nasal voice that sounded like a pervert. Also, he has wings, and any insect with wings is frightening enough as it is. Would you rather be attacked by a crawling cockroach or a flying cockroach?

His asymmetrical look fits his insane personality though.

And let’s not forget the Energon cubes! They’re made of soft rubber, and three should be more than enough for your Transformers to squabble over or drink.

So there you have it – the Platinum Edition Insecticons! A reissue that’s been a long time coming. Better get it before the price goes up on these little pests again!
Those are awesome! I love the packaging. It’s a bit pricey, but if I could afford it I would be all over it. Got the last reissues from TRU, but I might as well stick with ’em because it looks like their box just takes up a lot less real estate. The G1/Generations comparison is awesome, really weird how close they turned out in size.
Nice lighthearted review with appropriate contemporary comparisons. Might I inquire if there has been any mould changes if compared with previous releases (for instance the original G1, Takara Book Reissue or TRU Exclusives)? Thank you and do keep up the good work.