Sharkticon Megatron
Series 2: 006
Transformers: Prime
Beast Hunters
MSRP: $54.90
Should you buy him at full price? Yes.
Should you buy him at full price + 20%? If you’re a Megatron/Sharkticon/Beast Hunters/Transformers: Prime fan, yes.
I’ve waited very, very long for Sharkticon Megatron. Well, very long in #firstworldproblems terms is really a month or so. But he came out in the US way before Singapore (usually it’s the other way around or on par), so imagine my thrill when Metro brought it in.
He comes with a Sharktooth Spear! Elsewhere it’s known as the Tartarex Warp Sword. I guess here, the word “Tartarex” is not going to conjure up fearsome flames of a Greek underworld, so Sharktooth Spear will do. Besides, it’s not really a sword, and he’s a Sharkticon homage, remember?
He’s here to menace Beast Hunters Optimus Prime! I did part of this review in Buffet Town by the way. Don’t go there, it’s not a good buffet and it’s not cheap.
Can you smell him? Can you smell him?! He’s very nicely packaged, all his paper ties wrap around areas that won’t see any marks or scuffing. The paper ties are tight enough to secure him but loose enough for you to cut him loose. Yes, you could untie each paper tie, but ain’t nobody got time for that.
If you really need to know what an empty tray looks like. He’s got no missiles. Just a morphing gun/spear.
And Megatron is free! Behold him in his full multi-coloured glory! He’s almost psychedically insane, but not quite.
Megatron’s mug shot.
This is his Sharktooth Spear, in gun mode. It looks like a gun with a saw stuck on it. Fits the name!
Sharktooth Spear in spear mode. It’s nice and long and wieldy. A good match for the Star Saber that Optimus Prime wields.
Megatron wields the Sharktooth Spear in lieu of his usual Fusion Cannon.
Megatron’s melee weapon, the Sharktooth Spear.
Here’s Megatron’s alt mode. He’s got a nice Sharkticon thing going, although you’re not going to be mistaking him for Gnaw anytime soon, and neither is he really good for army building (imho, imho). If someone is insane enough to do it (like me), let me know, but I wouldn’t let Rodimus and Kup knock this Megatron down.
At this point I went home to do the rest of the review. Here’s Megatron in proper alt mode with his Sharktooth Spear attached.
Check out his faction symbol! Like a rabid Decepticon! Not a Predacon, not a Terrorcon, not a Decepticon, but a… Rabidicon! That was terrible. We’ll stick with rabid Decepticon.
Another view of his alt mode. I’ll enclose a more comprehensive gallery of his alt mode at the end of this post.
A comparison shot to show you the upgrades that Sharkticon Megatron has gone through, courtesy of Unicron… or not.
Megatron, Megatron, Megatron, Megatron and Megatron.
What happens when you give Sharkticon Megatron all the accessories from all the Megatrons? For one, he can barely stand. And that means he can’t pose. But he does look overpowered.
And an overpowered Megatron is a fiercesome thing to behold.
Beat Hunters Optimus Prime vs Beast Hunters Megatron! That wretched Star Saber is stuck in Optimus’ hand again. Any suggestions for removal?
Update: In any case, here’s some more photos of Sharkticon Megatron, from all his different angles!
Nice review! Thanks! Mine is in the mail…