Should you watch this, Wiki this, or wait for the recap? Watch this.
Tuxedo Mask suddenly declares that he’s the perpetrator of the many crimes and mysterious happening, prompting the Sailors to distrust him. Meanwhile, Zoisite takes advantage of this confusion to brainwash humans into searching for the Silver Crystal for him. Will Sailor Moon be able to work together with her team mates to stop this latest plot of the Dark Kingdom?

“Tuxedo Mask” is the sixth episode of the first season of Sailor Moon Crystal. It’s Japanese anime and I watched it with English subtitles (I don’t speak Japanese, though I would like to at some point). This is where the enmity between Tuxedo Mask and the Sailors begins, although if you kind of know how the story ends, this isn’t much of a twist.
I like how there’s completely no monster of the day. Instead, the Sailors foil Zoisite’s plot and then confront him there and then – no random monster required. In fact, this new reboot of Sailor Moon relies much less on daily monsters to do the dirty work, but shows moments of awesome for both protagonists and villains by causing them to come into conflict both emotional and physical. Since there’s so little air time to tell the story of each arc (13 episodes per arc compared to the 39++ of the previous series), this helps create action, tension, and characterisation in the shortest possible time.

First fight between the Sailors
You know how the good guys always get along? This is the first episode that they don’t, and predictably they quarrel about Tuxedo Mask. Still, a fight this early in the series, especially when the team isn’t assembled yet, makes them feel more like real people rather than random super models in sailor costumes fighting bad guys. Which they are, but that isn’t the point, their characterisation is.
Sailor Moon established as the most powerful
Sailor Moon gets to use her Moon Stick here, and performs the Moon Healing Escalation attack. She doesn’t technically heal anyone, but that point’s moot. What makes it important is that she singlehandedly defeats Zoisite and drives away Queen Beryl, a feat that the other three Inner Senshi are unable to accomplish on her own. Thus, her role as the main character of the series is justified and cemented.
Queen Beryl caring for her Shitennou
This will be an iconic scene in the future for sure – Queen Beryl carrying an injured Zoisite away. While there’s very little dialogue here to explain what is happening, her actions speaks volumes – these aren’t disposable minions to her, but subordinates that she cares about. Hence, their inevitable deaths or defeats at the hands of the Sailors will create even more pathos for her, thus rounding out her character.
Queen Beryl vs the Inner Senshi
We don’t actually see them fight, but we do know that Queen Beryl thrashes them. This sets the scene for their final confrontation, because we know that Queen Beryl’s power far surpasses three Sailors as it is.
Mamoru fan service
It was very amusing to see a buff Mamoru waking up and looking out of his bedroom window for no reason at all. When are we getting a swimsuit episodes for the Sailors, huh?

Tuxedo Mask claims he has no special powers
This shocked me a little, but I realise his trademark rose hasn’t been seen at all. Instead, a rose motif has been given to Sailor Moon’s symbols and backgrounds. If that’s true, what use would Tuxedo Mask be to Sailor Moon? Or would he even be able to equal her in power?

“Tuxedo Mask” is a great episode that breaks the usual monotony of cooperation seen between good guys, and gives our title character the spotlight. Hopefully future episodes will be as fast-paced and interesting as this one!
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