[TV Review] “Three Turkeys” Episode 8, Season 6 of Modern Family

Manny is being inappropriate. ("Three Turkeys" - Modern Family S06E08)
Manny is being inappropriate. (“Three Turkeys” – Modern Family S06E08)

Should you watch it, wiki it, or wait for the recap? Watch it.

It’s Thanksgiving, and Claire hides a cooked turkey in preparation for Phil and Luke’s inevitable turkey failure. Meanwhile, Cam has to learn to stop spoiling Lily. Gloria and Jay pretend they’re on vacation while they’re actually staying at home, away from the rest of the family. But a power failure soon brings all three families together at the Pritchetts’ house.

Gloria gives Jay an earful. ("Three Turkeys" - Modern Family S06E08)
Gloria gives Jay an earful. (“Three Turkeys” – Modern Family S06E08)

“Three Turkeys” is the eight episode of the sixth season of Modern Family. I can’t recall if they do Thanksgiving episodes every season, but it’s got what I like – a family gathering at the end. It features some interesting character pairings that we don’t see too often, and also looks at a common lament of large, close-knit families – spending too much time together.

It’s also a pretty cool ensemble episode, in that no one family or character dominates the situation. There are no guest stars, so the comedy really comes from the characters of the family. Sure, there are props (turkey made me hungry), but in the end it’s all about how the modern family deals with first world problems.

Cam and Mitch being flamboyant. ("Three Turkeys" - Modern Family S06E08)
Cam and Mitch being flamboyant. (“Three Turkeys” – Modern Family S06E08)


Finally getting tough with Lily the spoilt brat

My hatred of Lily knows no bounds – she’s the type of spoilt princess that the world could do without. The fact that Cam actually schools her this time (although it’s just once) is a major progression and a well-deserved scolding for the disgusting whiny thing. Perhaps Lily will become a more likeable character from now on. Or perhaps not, we’ll see.

Phil’s crush on Nigella Lawson

Have you ever watched Nigella Lawson? You’ll understand why Phil is so smitten by her sultry cooking voice. Phil has always had the weirdest of crushes (on Gloria, no less) and to see this side of him is hilarious. Even Claire isn’t fazed by it – she knows her husband’s hormones.

Manny and Haley

You rarely get to see these two together, and their relationship goes as predicted. However there’s an awkward mess in the mix, which gets resolved in a completely unexpected way. Haley’s been getting a lot of action in this season!

Claire and Alex

Also, Claire and Alex are hardly together, though this episode shows how alike they are. This mother-daughter bonding mirrors Phil and Luke’s relationship, and it’s my hope that they continue exploring this aspect of their interactions.

Claire hides a turkey. ("Three Turkeys" - Modern Family S06E08)
Claire hides a turkey. (“Three Turkeys” – Modern Family S06E08)


The convoluted turkey plot

You can sort of see whether the turkey plot is headed a mile away, but it’s such a complicated and contrived scenario that it almost seems cartoonish. The episode could have done without such a ridiculous turkey plot, but it’s the title of the episode, so I guess not. I would have liked to see a proper sit down family dinner though – as cheesy as that may be, it’s still the heartwarming aspect of the series that I like.

Jay and Gloria's great escape. ("Three Turkeys" - Modern Family S06E08)
Jay and Gloria’s great escape. (“Three Turkeys” – Modern Family S06E08)

“Three Turkeys” is probably one of the best episodes this season, as it all boils down to the comic timing and energy that the main cast play off each other. It’s also a pleasant way to indicate the beginning of the holiday season.

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