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Zaheer’s murder of the Earth Queen leaves Ba Sing Se in turmoil. Team Avatar struggles to contact the Northern Air Temple to warn them of Zaheer’s impending attack, even as Mako and Bolin race to save their newly found families. Meanwhile, Tenzin, Bumi and Kya stage a desperate defense against Zaheer’s attack. Will Mako and Bolin be able to save their familes, and will Tenzin and his siblings survive Zaheer’s vicious assault?

“The Ultimatum” is the 11th Chapter (episode) of Book 3 (Season 3) of The Legend of Korra. It’s split into two distinct halves – the first part takes place in Ba Sing Se, in the wake of Earth Queen Hou Ting’s death. The second, more exciting half takes place at the Northern Air Temple, when Zaheer, Ghazan, Ming Hua, and P’Li attack Tenzin, Kya and Bumi.
The ultimatum isn’t much of an ultimatum, seeing as which Korra was going to go up to Zaheer anyway. Until now we haven’t seen the full extent or reason behind Zaheer’s plots, and it’s getting a little tiring holding on for answers. Fortunately, there’s plenty of bending action in this episode.

Zaheer vs Tenzin
This was a spectacular battle! Tenzin is obviously more skilled and powerful than Zaheer, and it’s rare that we get to see just how awesome Tenzin is, since he’s always portrayed as the grumpy old man. And despite Zaheer having taken down many others in his rampage, to see his level of skill compared to Tenzin’s just highlights how much more formidable Tenzin is. I liked his moment of awesome.
Team Zaheer’s assault on the Northern Air Temple
Besides Zaheer vs Tenzin, we also get to see Kya vs Ming Hua and Bumi vs Ghazan. Sadly, our heroes aren’t as powerful as their opponents, and struggle to hold their own against their opponents. Still, it’s a great Bending battle that ensues, as the conflict rages all over the temple and allows us to see some sections that haven’t been featured yet.
Kai’s character development
Remember Kai, whom I had earlier lambasted as a waste of space? He gets his moment of awesome here when he singlehandedly holds off P’Li, a Combustionbender to allow the rest of the new Airbenders to escape. It’s a heartwrenching scene to see him take a direct hit from P’Li as a result of his actions, and even more so considering how much of a selfish brat he was earlier in the season. I like Kai now. And also, he survives, so don’t worry.
Yin (Mako and Bolin’s grandmother)
Yin works well as Mako and Bolin’s surrogate parent (although she’s technically their grandparent), and it’s fun to see our teenagers getting parental discipline/guidance/questioning. Go Yin!
Iroh’s return
General Iroh’s cameo in the Spirit World is welcome, although I would have expected him to shed some light on the White and Red Lotus organisations. His appearance really underscores Korra’s need for direction, given that all her past lives are now gone. And thankfully, he does provide the advice that she needs.

Ba Sing Se in chaos
Not that I didn’t enjoy Ba Sing Se in chaos, but it was obviously the less important story, so it came first. I’d have preferred to see the political fallout rather than the citizens rioting, but the emotional core of that threat lies with Bolin and Mako’s family I suppose, so it has to come down to them.

“The Ultimatum” sets up the fight for the final two episodes of the scene. It’s not really the fate of the world at stake this time, but personal stakes as we see our heroes in mortal peril and on the verge of death. Here’s to seeing the culmination of Zaheer’s evil plan soon!
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