Should you watch it, wiki it, or wait for the recap? Watch it!
A trip down a mangled memory lane for the girls instigates them into organising a prom for themselves, to make up for the terrible ones they had. While all the guys bring their respective dates along, Stuart brings along an unexpected guest. Will the prom go well for everyone, and who exactly has Stuart brought along that has Howard so angry?

“The Prom Equivalency” is the eighth episode of the eighth season of The Big Bang Theory. I’m surprised that this episode hasn’t been done before – doesn’t every series have a “back to high school” episode? In this case, they decide to stage their own prom, and it goes surprisingly well. No disasters or hurt feelings arise (well, not to the important characters anyway), and there are a surprising number of sweet moments for this episode.
The way each character deals with the upcoming prom is a strong indication of how much their relationships have developed over the series. No awkward pairings in this episode, just strong character development galore.

The prom premise
Again, it’s not that this is an entirely fresh and original idea – just one that The Big Bang Theory hasn’t used before. It’s executed well, and takes place on the favourite rooftop (where Howard and Bernadette got married), with plenty of memorable shots.
Sheldon’s confession to Amy
Although Amy’s non-physical, virtually practical relationship with Sheldon is played up for laughs, you do wonder how much Sheldon has emotionally invested in it. This episode lays to rest any such doubt – Sheldon, of his own free will, says the precious three words that Amy has been waiting all their relationship to hear.
Penny – Leonard moment
All we’ve seen of Penny and Leonard this season are fights, reasons for their relationship to fail, and other conflicts. This episode reverses that trend and presents a reason for their relationship to work. In a sweet scene between the pair on the rooftop, they pay off what we’ve been wanting to see since the engagement – an assurance that they will work out.

Emily returns
And she’s not a bitch! The last time we saw her, she was more of an antagonist than a real friend to our characters. This episode doesn’t show any interaction with Penny (that would take a lot of explaining), but does reveal to us how Emily might be just as weird as the rest of the cast. She could very well fit in as the eighth cast member!
The girls in prom wear
I think this is fan service. But yes. I appreciate it. I believe everyone else does too, regardless of gender.
Ample plot development
As predictable as this story might have been, the different plot threads play out to satisfying conclusions, not all of which are expected. Most importantly, the episode ends well for our characters, leaving us assured of their eventual happiness.
The three plots make the episode feel full
Again, the stories don’t feel padded out – there are a solid number of beats and plot points to make this feel like a well thought out, properly scripted story. And a good episode comes from the good script, making this one of the best scripts of Season 8.

“The Prom Equivalency” is probably the best episode of Season 8, and it remains to be seen if the season finale can top this one. Character, plot, and funnies – this episode has it all, and provides us with many tender moments for the couples as well.
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