Should you watch it, wiki it, or wait for the recap? Watch it for Sheldon’s “Fun with Flags” segment!
As Sheldon and Amy record the last episode of “Fun with Flags,” the other guys clean out the recently deceased Professor Roger Abbot’s office and find an unopened bottle of champagne, meant to be drunk upon his first great success, which prompts a melancholic reflection of their lives. Meanwhile, Penny and her boss Dan have trouble dealing with Bernadette’s short temper. Will they be able to break the bad news to her? Will the guys get out of their scientific slump? And have we witnessed the last of “Fun with Flags?”

“The Champagne Reflection” is the tenth episode of the eighth season of The Big Bang Theory. It brings back a fan favourite “segment” in the form of Sheldon’s “Fun with Flags” and really goes to town with it (well it’s my favourite at least, so it’s one fan’s favourite). There’s some character development and it pays off several long running gags, plus we get to see Levar Burton guest star as himself, in addition to Stephen Root as Dan (boss of Penny and Bernadette), Paul Wilson as Professor Sharpe, and John Ross Barry as the lisping Barry Kripke.
This episode follows the three-plot format, which as you would have guessed by now helps the episode feel more complete and well-paced (rather than padding out two separate plots). Almost all the characters get their moments here, with Shamy in particular getting the spotlight.

“Fun with Flags” on overdrive
Whoever came up with “Fun with Flags” really pulled out all the stops here with a “recap” of the best episodes of the web series. It’s a riot seeing Shamy dress up and talk about the most boring topic ever (flags, but if you’re a flag fan I apologise), and Sheldon’s persistence and lack of awareness is haranguing Levar Burton is great humour that comes from character.
Bernadette’s character development
We’ve been seeing Bernadette’s legendary temper over the season, and honestly it’s been growing a little old since Howard seems to be taking the brunt of it. And it’s almost Flanderised her to the point of no return. Fortunately the writers have seen sense to dial it back a notch, and even made a plot point out of it! It’s rewarding to see them draw on the history of the series, and create a conflict that comes from past actions.
Sheldon and Amy bickering like an old married couple
They do. Very much so. Again, it’s fun to watch them behave like a real couple rather than the robot cliches they’ve been doing. Perhaps a marriage episode is in order – if not a real one, than perhaps a fantasy one (in Amy’s mind)? Or even better, place the fantasy in Sheldon’s mind.
Stephen Root as Dan, Penny & Bernadette’s boss
Stephen Root has the most rubbery face I’ve come across, and it’s fun to see his exaggerated but believable expressions. His fear of Bernadette combined with his comic timing makes their interactions a pleasure to watch – something we’ve heard about thus far, but haven’t seen.

Champagne plot is boring
This cannot be overlooked because it’s where the episode draws its title from! What’s the point of giving the guys a mid-life crisis out of nowhere? If it were a slow build up, I’d understand (sort of like Sheldon’s self-imposed exile last season), but this comes out of nowhere and goes nowhere (see below). At least give some progression to one of the characters. How about Howard’s desire for better qualifications (a Master in something, if I recall)?
Professor Abbot/Professor Sharpe’s plot goes nowhere
What a waste of a guest star slot (and budget). Why not Wil Wheaton instead? Again, it goes nowhere, takes the focus off our heroes, and feels so very pointless. No. Please let us have a guest star who does something that advances the plot instead of being an abysmal waste of airtime.

“The Champagne Reflection” was a good episode with a very strong A plot, but with some wasted moments and unfulfilled potential. Still, it’s worth watching even sans the “Fun with Flags” plot (well it’s only worth watching for the Penny-Bernadette-Dan plot in that case), and should go on your next The Big Bang Theory marathon!
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