Should you watch this, Wiki this, or wait for the next episode’s recap? Watch this.
With both Ami and Rei captured by the Black Moon, a despondent Usagi finds herself comforted by the most unlikely of allies. Meanwhile, Petz seeks to avenge her fallen Ayakashi Sisters and hatches a two-pronged plan to infiltrate human society. Makoto falls prey to Petz’s contagion and finds herself in a desperate battle of thunder and lightning against her Black Moon counterpart. Will Sailor Jupiter be able to win against such odds?
“Secret –Sailor Jupiter–” is the seventeenth episode of the first season of Sailor Moon Crystal. It’s Japanese anime and I watched it with English subtitles (I don’t speak Japanese, though I would like to at some point). This episode continues the second story arc and focuses on Sailor Jupiter.
The focus on Makoto is much appreciated in “Secret –Sailor Jupiter–”, since we don’t really have much knowledge of her background. Giving her a love interest and showing us her family background (or lack of it thereof) shows us how different she is from the rest of the Sailors, who have it a little bit better. It also explains why she’s such a good cook – you’d have to be if you grew up alone!
Return of the Tuxedo Mask doll. (“Secret –Sailor Jupiter–”” – Sailor Moon Crystal S01E17)
First hint of Pluto
The most exciting clue we receive in this episode is the existence of Sailor Pluto. Although we’ve seen her in the opening, there’s no actual appearance of her thus far. It keeps
you watching since you really do want to know who Sailor Pluto is and her relation to the other Sailors. Best of all, it answers the question of what the P in Luna-P stands for. Not that it’s explicitly spelt out, but when you make that inference and connection yourself it gives you a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction watching the show.
Chibiusa’s first redeeming quality
Chibiusa, while not as irritating as in the previous series, also doesn’t have very much character (but it’s only the first few episodes she’s in). To see her comfort Usagi, albeit awkwardly, gives an added facet to her character – she does care about the people around her, even if she’s lost in a foreign land. The fact that she refuses to openly admit that she’s trying to comfort Usagi also helps to give us a bit more insight into her personality.
Petz actually has a sensible plan
Compared to Berthier and Cooan, Petz’s plan actually makes sense and will actually be a serious problem if it’s carried out. You don’t see it come to fruition until the end of episode, but when she does explain it you realize that it’s actually pretty worthwhile. In any case, she’s the most realistic member of the Black Moon Family thus far.
Petz and her droid army. (“Secret –Sailor Jupiter–”” – Sailor Moon Crystal S01E17)
Not a fair fight between Jupiter and Petz
This whole “Makoto is sick” subplot seems like a cop out to let Petz win the fight later, without making it seem like they’re rehashing the same plot for the third time. After all, if each Ayakashi Sister can defeat a Sailor then how exactly will they overcome their enemies? It’s nice to know that Jupiter could have beaten Petz though. Even though it was Moon Princess Halation that won the day.
No idea why the Black Moon wants to capture the Sailors
Until now, 4 episodes into the Black Moon arc, we still have no idea why the Black Moon is specifically targeting and capturing the Sailors. To learn the identity and location of Chibiusa? But then they know about the Sailors in the future already, why don’t they just target Sailor Moon directly instead of picking off her Inner Senshi one by one? It’s not a mystery, it’s just baffling. The Black Moon’s plots really don’t make sense.
Chibiusa aces the Sailor V game. (“Secret –Sailor Jupiter–”” – Sailor Moon Crystal S01E17)
“Secret –Sailor Jupiter” is a pretty decent episode overall, which gives a powerful and exciting battle at the end for our heroines. We get to see a sensible villain for once, even if she perishes quickly, and this helps give credibility to the strangely motivated villains of this arc.
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