Should you watch it, wiki it, or wait for the recap? Watch it.
Desperate to raise money for some Christmas shopping, Max starts selling her cupcake T-shirts, while Caroline persuades her to get a business loan for their cupcake store. But when her T-shirts get taken up by a boutique, could this be the big break that our 2 Broke Girls have been looking for?

“And a Loan for Christmas” is the seventh episode of the fourth season of 2 Broke Girls. It’s a Christmas-themed episode, if the title didn’t make that clear enough, and shows us how the girls (and the diner folk) celebrate Christmas this year
Also, it’s suddenly snowing (was it snowing in the previous episode?), as per all Christmas episodes that acknowledge the weather. You get to see the ladies in winter wear, so I’m pretty sure there’s some product placement in that. Nevertheless, Sophie’s outfits are wonderful to look at as usual, and it’s nice to see the girls in something other than the waitress outfits or their home clothes.

Christmas jokes
I like Christmas jokes. I like dirty Christmas jokes even better. 2 Broke Girls ups the ante here by providing a variety of different jokes – some coarse, some clever, all Christmassy. It helps inject the magic of Christmas without being too overt about it. And also, a sly nod to the use of “Seasons Greetings” rather than “Merry Christmas” (Seasons Greetings is used to avoid offending those who don’t celebrate Christmas, which to me is nonsense. Wouldn’t Seasons Greetings be used for all holidays then?)
Nativity scene
And this gives us a chance to see the cast in a set of different costumes! Though the nativity scene doesn’t last for long (which it had though), it gives us a look at each character in nativity-appropriate clothes. Of course, Oleg has to ruin it all at the end, but creative set designs are always appreciated!
Hopeful ending
It also ends on a positive note for the girls, something we haven’t seen in a while. I know it’s just a minor plot point, but when you’re emotionally invested in the characters and you’re rooting for them to win, it helps to drop a little morsel now and then to keep fans happy.
Spotlight on Han
And even more expansion on Han’s character – he’s a silk screen artist! Han’s geeky hobbies will never stop – here’s to hoping we see some Transformers or Dungeons & Dragons turning up soon!

Possible move away from cupcakes
The episode ends with the implication that the girls might go into the T-shirt business. Slightly sad, given that the cupcakes are a fun diversion (and T-shirts don’t sound quite as fun as cupcakes). Still, we have the rest of the season to see where this goes.
Not enough of the girls wearing the cupcake T-shirts
This would have helped strengthen the theme, though it does raise the question – why would people be buying sleeveless clothes during winter? Where would the demand be – surely the clothes on sale would be for colder climes?

“And a Loan for Christmas” is a fun mid-season finale and a good point to pause as everyone goes on holiday, since the girls are left with more money than ever before, and also in a much better state. Here’s to Oleg getting booted in the season finale and more Hanpisodes!
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