The Force is the source of Jedi (and Sith) powers, enabling them to do mind tricks, deflect laser blasts with laser swords, and choke people to death by waving their hands. But while these are the most visual representations of the Force, it turns out that this energy source is a lot more versatile than we thought! There are far more creative uses of the Force than we’ve seen in the movies, some of which can be pretty sinister indeed…

It turns out that some of the best gardeners in the galaxy are, in fact, Force-wielders. This application of the Force is called Plant Surge, or Consitor Sato, and can even be used to make vines attack your opponents! Luke should really just have been a regular farmer rather than, you know, a moisture farmer. He might even have become a farming mogul on Tattooine, if he had put his mind to it.
2)Create clones

The Force can also be used to make lifelike dopplegangers that were indistinguishable were from the original. These were, of course, simply illusions (otherwise they could have created an entire army of doppleganger Jedi to face the Clone Troopers), but the Jedi could use all their senses through the doppelganger. They weren’t just restricted to illusions of people, too — they could create simulacrums of objects as well.
3)Make it rain

One really useful ability that the Force bestowed was controlling the weather. But since most of the Jedi battles took place in enclosed areas (generally in spaceships), it was probably difficult to utilise this skill against enemies. But Plo Koon (remember him?) was a skilled user of this technique. One can only wonder what the outcome would have been if he had fought Emperor Palpatine outdoors!

Now, teleportation via the Force might be expected, but it isn’t so straightforward. It’s not like the Sith (since this was a Dark Side power) could vanish and reappear at will. No, they had to create Force storms that acted as hyperspace wormholes that took people, objects and anything within its vicinity across time and space. The side effect, of course, was that the Force storm would lay waste to everything else. It’s a horrific way to travel, but when you’re in a rush…
5)Genetic manipulation

AKA Sith alchemy. It turns out that the Force could be used on living creatures to give them special abilities or flat out turn them into monsters. Sith alchemy was also capable of raising the dead, giving them a twisted semblance of life as undead monstrosities.
Darth Plagueis, the master of Darth Sidious, was a powerful Sith alchemist. So it’s good to know that Darth Vader only got a prosthetic hand — if Darth Sidious had opted to use more sinister Sith alchemy were used, he might have a much more terrifying appendage than just a robotic arm.

So the next time you see the Force being channeled, remember there’s a whole lot of other uses besides mere combat! Then again, it is an energy field that encompasses all living things…
This article was first published on Yahoo.
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