Should you watch this at weekday movie ticket prices? Yes!
Should you watch this at weekend movie ticket prices? If you like horror.
Score: 4.0/5
Secret ending? No, but the credits are an interesting look at the real life case it is based on.
Running time: 132 minutes (~2.25 hours)

“The Conjuring 2” is a supernatural horror film based on the Enfield poltergeist case that serves as a sequel to 2013’s “The Conjuring.” Paranormal investigators Lorraine and Ed Warren come out of retirement to handle a case that could prove too much to handle. It stars Vera Farmiga (Lorraine Warren), Patrick Wilson (Ed Warren), Frances O’Connor (Peggy Hodgson), Madison Wolfe (Janet Hodgeson), Simon McBurney (Maurice Grosse), Lauren Esposito (Margaret Hodgson), Patrick McAuley (Johnny Hodgson), Benjamin Haigh (Billy Hodgson), and Franka Potente (Anita Gregory). It is rated NC-16.
I yelped twice (as in, physically made a sound because I was scared) watching “The Conjuring 2” because some of the scares were truly unexpected. So yes, it’s a terribly frightening movie! But behind the hauntings lie two very human stories that show us the best of the human spirit despite overwhelming circumstances. And that’s what makes the scares all the more impactful, because it happens to characters that we care about.

Variety of scares
While some scares are unexpected, they don’t shock you for the sake of shocking. The film draws out the tension and springs the ghost on you when you least expect it, by skilfully alternating between special effects and the unseen. “The Conjuring 2” keeps you in suspense and plays with your darkest fears, always keeping you cringing for the next appearance of the supernatural. By using a multitude of scare techniques, frights never become stale.
Lorraine and Ed’s struggle
It takes a while before Lorraine and Ed get involved, but as returning characters it’s impressive to see that they have their own story arc and character development! It’s not just a simplistic battle against forces unseen, but a conflict between what seems to be an inexorable outcome. In the face of what they know and what they’re struggling with, it makes both our protagonists even more heroic, and increases their stature from the previous film.
Investigative and adventure elements
Part of what makes “The Conjuring 2” so scary is that there’s a pretty interesting plot which sees all parties trying to find out the truth of the matter. At times it feels like an adventure, and this is where the film jerks you back into the realm of horror with another supernatural sighting. This means that not everything is as straightforward as it seems, and generates dramatic tension that amplifies your already jangled nerves.
Madison Wolfe as the possessed Janet
Madison Wolfe’s portrayal of Janet doesn’t seem all that impressive, until you watch the scenes where a restless spirit takes control of her. Her visage completely changes (with no special effects), and she moves and speaks like a completely different person. It’s an impressive performance from such a young actress, and speaks volumes about her talent.

Slightly long
Although the pacing and tension are spot on, the film runs a little long for a horror film. Of course, that’s also partly because of the way the plot brings all the characters together. Still, a shorter, punchier length would have helped “The Conjuring 2” intensify its scares.

“The Conjuring 2” will give you nightmares.
“The Conjuring 2” opens in cinemas 9 June, 2016 (Thursday).
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