Spider-Man is, well, probably Marvel’s most famous superhero. He recently appeared in “Spider-Man: Homecoming” and needs no introduction, even though I’m still writing one for him. His civilian identity is Peter Parker, a photographer. For some reason, despite his fame, he’s still poor. This is what makes him so relatable, I suppose.
Spider-Man is the figure that everyone wants in this set, so of course I’ve left him to the last to talk about. I’ve had him for a while and I like his playability and poseability, though I am less familiar with the intricacies of posing 6 inch figures.

Spider-Man is from the 6 inch Marvel Legends line, and he comes as part of the SDCC 2016’s ‘The Raft’ box set. ‘The Raft’ retails for SGD $199.90. Thank you, Hasbro, for sending him over!]

The web design on Spider-Man’s costume is thicker and darker than other figures I’ve seen, which gives him a rather comic-book type of look. He’s also got super huge eyes here, but they’re slightly frowning, so you know there’s something wrong. It’s almost as if his Spider Sense is tingling.

When it comes to body sizes, this Spider-Man utilises the slim, skinnier frame to emphasise the fact that he’s not really one of the biggest heroes. He looks more toned than muscular, and doesn’t have the V-shaped torso found in many superheroes (and other Spider-Man figures I’ve had).

I **think** he has 23 points of articulation, although I’m not entirely familiar how his knee and elbow joints count in terms of articulation. Since they are double-jointed, I’m counting them as 2 points each.

One of Spider-Man’s hands is already in web shooting mode, so you’ll always pose that hand up. I’ll probably tie a piece of white string to his hand to simulate the fact that he’s firing a web. I’ve never really known a Spider-Man figure to come with an accessory that’s small and can simulate his webs, so I guess a piece of white string is as good as any.

Spider-Man is really the star of this set, and he’s worth getting it for. I mean, he also comes with some fun villains to play around with, and you could probably come up with a supervillain team name for them with some brainstorming.
So here are pictures of The Raft’s packaging!

The whole giftset is huge and it’s also a pretty nice display piece to leave in your house, assuming your wife is okay with it.

It opens up to show you the toys behind window packaging, as well as a more complete scene of the Raft prison facility, complete with other villains looking on.
Marvel Legend’s The Raft, SDCC 2016

They look pretty cool out of the box.

So here’s a group shot!
Check out the other figures in the set!
The Raft (SDCC 2016)
Spider-Man (and The Raft’s packaging)
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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