So I’m a bit suaku la. I’ve never been to a premium theatre going experience (of which the most famous would be GV’s Gold Class). But when Shaw held the “A Most Violent Year” preview at Shaw Theatres Premiere at Nex, that’s when I had my first experience. Here’s how it was like!

So you can’t miss the entrance to it. It has “premiere” splashed all over the glass doors. It’s somewhat to the side of the main theatre itself.

There’s a bar, and yes, you can order alcohol! Though since it’s dark and comfy in the theatre itself, it might not be a good idea to make yourself sleepy.

There’s also quite a bit of space if you’d like to come down and take a bite. I personally haven’t tried the food here since it’s at Nex and there’s so many food options, but if you’re in a rush this would be useful. Or if you come at odd hours.

So the walls are lined with classics posters from famous movies throughout the years. You’d probably need to be above a certain age to remember/know these movies, but it’s a nice thematic touch to the place.

Just before you go in, there’s a ticket counter. I sneaked a shot when the person ran off to help a customer do something. Said customer was not me. But thankfully it wasn’t crowded that day.

If you really want another look at the counter, here it is! I suppose you can order food from here too.

Speaking of food, you’ve got truffle fries here!

Also near the entrance to the cinema itself is a set of comfy couches that you can laze around on. It’s a nice waiting area if you don’t want to go in and watch advertisements, and it’s really just outside the entrance to the cinemas.

More movie posters. There’s a Blade Runner remake planned sometime right?

So here’s the entrance to the Premiere cinema halls! I think there’s two halls. Need to double check again. It’s quite wide, this entrance, so don’t worry, two large people can walk abreast. I tried.

So this is what it’s like inside! Each seat is a large reclinable sofa, and two seats share a table where you can put your drinks and food and such. I think there’s a button to call for service as well.
Did I mention you can recline the chairs almost horizontally? Even so, it’s at an incline, so you can still see the screen.

It’s not very bright but here are the two seaters.

And in case you’re cold (I don’t really get cold but YMMV), you get a soft blanket too! Or you can throw it at your friend or significant other if you’re not using it.

So here’s what it was like to go to the Shaw Theatres Premiere! Anyway
“A Most Violent Year” was also pretty good.