Transformers, being a series about giant transforming robots fighting each other, has never really been good with its human villains. To be honest, why would any human pose a threat when they could easily be squashed by almost any Transformer? What good are humans in a show about Transformers that could topple buildings?
But the live action “Transformers” movies need humans because, well, it can’t all be CGI. It would be cool if that were the case, but they’re probably not going to get the sort of budget required to do so. So here are 14 human villains plucked from across many different series that would add some fun (and hopefully, menace) to future Transformers movies.

1. Silas
Silas from Transformers: Prime was voiced by Clancy Brown, also the voice of Lex Luthor in the DCAU. He was introduced with all those scars on his face that just screamed backstory (which wasn’t covered in the series). He was a grizzled veteran who had combat skills on par with that of Optimus Prime. Remember when he controlled Nemesis Prime and battled Optimus?
He’d be a cool villain to use if anyone ever managed to get ahold of the Transformers’ bodies permanently.

2. Old Snake/Cobra Commander
I still remember how cool it was realising that Old Snake, the fellow behind the body swaps in G1 Season 3’s “Only Human”, was actually Cobra Commander. I mean, he had the same voice actor and all. It would pave the way for a Transformers-GI Joe crossover too.
But more importantly, we’d finally be able to see Cobra technology fuse with Decepticon technology. Maybe they’d finally be able to beat the Joes at something.

3 & 4. Giga & Mega
Giga and Mega are so incredibly retro. The Godmasters of Overlord in Transformers: Masterforce, these two were cheesy even back in the 80s. Just look at Mega’s witch outfit. She was Rita Repulsa before the Rita Repulsa appeared. They’d be awesomely hammy villains, and their appearance would mean that we’d get Overlord.

5. Solon
Solon is from the Transformers: Victory manga. Admittedly, there’s only one reason I want to see Solon – that’s because his appearance would mean the arrival of King Solon, which means that Deathsaurus would finally have someone to combine with! He’d become Kingsaurus.
So yes, I only want Solon to appear so I can get a Kingsaurus at least.

6. Doctor Morocco
Doctor Morocco was kind of a cheesy presence on Transformers: Rescue Bots. Still, his over the top plans meant that we got to see the Rescue Bots do all sorts of funky things, and he’s the best villain on the show yet. I’d like to see Dr Morocco team up with the Decepticons for some out of this world scheme that’s also pretty silly.

7 & 8. Hydra & Buster
As with Giga & Mega, Hydra & Buster’s appearance would mean we’d see Darkwing and Dreadwind. Their combined plane form is a little, mmm, let’s just say it could have been better. But it’s their devotion to trying to beat God Ginrai (and failing so utterly) that made them pretty good henchmen. They wouldn’t be able to helm an entire movie by themselves, but they could be really good muscle with their Transtectors.

9. Shattered Glass Sari
We only know of Shattered Glass Sari thanks to the Transformers Collectors’ Club magazine, but she’s been shown to be incredibly powerful in Transformers: Animated – if only she could control her abilities. To see her talents being used for evil in an alternate universe? Even better. It’d redeem some of her irritating characteristics. There’s also the fact that she could ally with Shattered Glass Optimus Prime, bringing even more evil to our world!

10. Cancer
Cancer had a character arc through Transformers: Masterforce, and his inclusion would mean a more personal story. It’d have notes of redemption, and it’d make it a smaller, but more touching story. Perhaps Cancer could make friends with Bumblebee in his solo movie?

11. Dr Arkeville
So we have a Masterpiece toy of him, and Dr Arkeville was one of the key players in the three-parter “The Ultimate Doom”. You always knew multi-part episodes were cool (and important), so Dr Arkeville’s appearance would mean galactic disaster in the films. Cybertron has already been brought near Earth, so what if he did something worse and fused Cybertron with Earth?
That’d be worth watching.

12. The Headmaster
The Headmaster is really only in this list for the comic relief he provides. You can’t deny that. He’d be hilarious, especially with the weaker Decepticons.

13. Professor Princess
You can just smell the My Little Pony jokes coming if Professor Princess made her debut. With the introduction of beastformers, that just might be a possibility. After all, we already had cutesy Transformers like Brains, Igor, Wheelie, and the upcoming Sqweeks. Why not a cute pony Transformer, right?

14. Luca
Luca is a bit of a smartass in Transformers: Earth Wars. It’d be interesting to see him mouthing off to the Decepticons in the live action movies. If Luca appears, we might even get to see Melody! She’s a more refreshing character (and less in your face than Marisssa Faireborne).
Who would you choose as a human Transformers villain? Do you think we’d see memorable human villains in “Transformers: The Last Knight?
Marcus Goh is a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. You can find him on social media as Optimarcus and on his site.
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