Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors
Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors was the first television programme I ever worked on in my career.

A colleague later told me that when he first saw me, he did not expect me to last in the job, because I looked like I was from the strawberry generation and my predecessors had all quit after a few months. But surprise! I survived and thrived.

At the time, I had a demanding taskmaster, Cynthia Chew, who taught me the very valuable skill of doing research, although I couldn’t see it at the time. I’ll always be grateful to Cynthia for what she taught me, because it was only years later that I realised how important that skill was (and how few people have it).

Cynthia’s passed on, and I hope she’s in a better place now.

Episode 1: Spousal Abuse

Episode 2: Transsexuals

Episode 3: Paedophiles

Episode 4: Mental

Episode 5: Incest

Episode 6: Elder Abuse

Episode 7: Abortion

Episode 8: Bigamy

Episode 9: Child Abuse

Episode 10: Toy Boys

Episode 11: Sexual Harassment

Episode 12: Impotence

Episode 13: Geylang Girls

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